Friday, November 27, 2020

THE REMNANT CHURCH - God promised He would preserve a remnant church of the faithful, and in the last days this remnant church would rise up in Holy Ghost power. His Bride, the church, is taking possession of the land and is becoming glorious without spot or blemish. It's time for the church to take her position as the bride of Christ. A Bible-believing remnant is leaving behind the compromising, sin-infested church of man to take up the standard of Jesus Christ. Together we will call out to God and march forward to bring His glorious gospel to the ends of the earth. - “And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.” - The church of Jesus Christ has withstood the deafening blows of the God-haters throughout the age. In every generation, scoffers have denied the existence of God or invented their own religions to accommodate their sin. In our own generation, we are seeing the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 3. But God promised He would preserve a remnant church of the faithful, and in the last days this remnant church would rise up in Holy Ghost power. His Bride, the church, is taking possession of the land and is becoming glorious without spot or blemish. It's time for the church to take her position as the bride of Christ. The church is beginning to come out from the world and be separate.


The Remnant Church


God promised He would preserve a remnant church of the faithful, and in the last days this remnant church would rise up in Holy Ghost power. His Bride, the church, is taking possession of the land and is becoming glorious without spot or blemish. It's time for the church to take her position as the bride of Christ. A Bible-believing remnant is leaving behind the compromising, sin-infested church of man to take up the standard of Jesus Christ. Together we will call out to God and march forward to bring His glorious gospel to the ends of the earth.

Rod Parsley


“And it will be that, afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.” - Joel 2:28

The church of Jesus Christ has withstood the deafening blows of the God-haters throughout the age.

In every generation, scoffers have denied the existence of God or invented their own religions to accommodate their sin.

In our own generation, we are seeing the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 3.

But God promised He would preserve a remnant church of the faithful, and in the last days this remnant church would rise up in Holy Ghost power.

His Bride, the church, is taking possession of the land and is becoming glorious without spot or blemish.

It's time for the church to take her position as the bride of Christ.

The church is beginning to come out from the world and be separate.

A Bible-believing remnant is leaving behind the compromising, sin-infested church of man to take up the standard of Jesus Christ.

Together we will call out to God and march forward to bring His glorious gospel to the ends of the earth.

Thank you, Jesus, that I can be part of Your glorious bride.

Purify and cleanse me.

Keep me pure and Holy through the cleansing of Your blood and the washing of Your Spirit.


Further Reading
Joel 2:28

2 Timothy 3

1 Chronicles 23:28

You may already know of Rod Parsley – as a TV host, evangelist, educator, humanitarian and statesman. At WHC, you’ll come to know him simply as Pastor – in many ways an ordinary guy whose earthly success is directly linked to his willingness to be used by God in extraordinary ways.
Rod Parsley was 19 when he first led a Bible study in his parents’ backyard. In more than 40 years since then, he’s built one of the most important and far-reaching Christian ministries in the United States. He has founded and now leads several major outreaches with local, national and worldwide reaches.
This New York Times best-selling author has successfully advocated for federal legislation, delivered hundreds of millions of pounds of food and medical supplies to poverty-stricken areas of the world and changed the lives of thousands who will shape the cultural landscape in the next generation. He’s in constant demand to preach the Gospel in pulpits across America and around the world, and to comment publicly on the moral issues of our day.


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