Saturday, November 21, 2020

WEEKEND WARRIORS - Our adversary is an invader who will not respect your schedule or give any thought to your feelings. He will seek any entry point, and while his first attacks may seem insignificant, his purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy. Don't be a weekend warrior. Stand guard over your heart and give the devil no place of entry. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” - 2 Corinthians 10:4 - You may be ready to wield your weapons on Sunday morning when the worship has lifted you and the preaching of the Word has stirred your spirit; but how do you feel on Monday afternoon? Our adversary is an invader who will not respect your schedule or give any thought to your feelings. He will seek any entry point, and while his first attacks may seem insignificant, his purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). Today's resentment is tomorrow's hatred. Your prayers will be hindered and your interest in the Word will wane. Then the onslaught will come, like divorce, a runaway child, or the loss of your job. Don't be a weekend warrior. Stand guard over your heart and give the devil no place of entry. You may be ready to wield your weapons on Sunday morning when the worship has lifted you and the preaching of the Word has stirred your spirit; but how do you feel on Monday afternoon? Jesus, help me to guard my heart and to fill my spirit with Your word. Empower me to resist the enemy. Amen.


Weekend Warriors

Our adversary is an invader who will not respect your schedule or give any thought to your feelings. He will seek any entry point, and while his first attacks may seem insignificant, his purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy. Don't be a weekend warrior. Stand guard over your heart and give the devil no place of entry.

Rod Parsley


“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” - 2 Corinthians 10:4


You may be ready to wield your weapons on Sunday morning when the worship has lifted you and the preaching of the Word has stirred your spirit; but how do you feel on Monday afternoon?

Our adversary is an invader who will not respect your schedule or give any thought to your feelings.

He will seek any entry point, and while his first attacks may seem insignificant, his purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10).

Today's resentment is tomorrow's hatred.

Your prayers will be hindered and your interest in the Word will wane.

Then the onslaught will come, like divorce, a runaway child, or the loss of your job.

Don't be a weekend warrior.

Stand guard over your heart and give the devil no place of entry.

Jesus, help me to guard my heart and to fill my spirit with Your word. Empower me to resist the enemy. Amen.

Further Reading

2 Corinthians 10:4

John 10:10

Matthew 19


Breakthrough with Rod Parsley

Weekly and daily broadcasts of dynamic preaching which focus on the authority of the Gospel and the power of God to transform lives!

The Breakthrough with Rod Parsley broadcast is taking sound biblical doctrine and the Gospel of Jesus Christ "to all people," reaching over 200 nations, on multiple satellites that provide a signal to virtually the entire globe. More than 680 million households receive Breakthrough on a global basis seven days a week, 365 days a year. Included are more than 100 million households in the United States alone, presented through multiple networks and airtimes.

Breakthrough is the worldwide soul-winning media ministry of Rod Parsley, advancing the kingdom of God around the world through the eye of the camera. Multiplied tens of thousands are being challenged to become redemptive agents of change for kingdom advancement in their communities and homes. 

With practical teaching helping to grow strong Christians, Breakthrough with Rod Parsley makes a significant impact by boldly proclaiming the authority of Jesus Christ to save, heal and transform. Breakthrough with Rod Parsley is committed to reaching this generation with relevant truth to meet the challenges of the real world.

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