Saturday, November 21, 2020

RAIN CLOUDS - Science In The Bible - Clouds are made up of water droplets formed when warm; (Day) moist air rises high into the sky and cools (as night is cooler from day). That water vapor in it condenses and forms what will become raindrops. These droplets move around in the cloud and bang into each other. As they do this, they increase in size until they are heavy enough to fall. The heaviest rain falls from the deepest, darkest clouds which are high enough for the raindrops to develop properly - "He bindeth (Compresses) up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. He holdeth (Fastens) back the face of his throne, (Covering i.e. atmosphere or air) and spreadeth his cloud upon it. He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day (Warm) and night (cool) come to an end." - I want to address the word ”bindeth” or “bind” in the Hebrew and Chaldee language; the word used was “Tsarar” meaning to cramp, or compress, condense or narrow. Without clouds, it would not rain. Clouds are made up of water droplets formed when warm; (Day) moist air rises high into the sky and cools (as night is cooler from day). That water vapour in it condenses and forms what will become raindrops. These droplets move around in the cloud and bang into each other. As they do this, they increase in size until they are heavy enough to fall from the cloud (and fall to the earth bringing the cycle to an end).


Rain Clouds

Science In The Bible

Without clouds, it would not rain


Clouds are made up of water droplets formed when warm; (Day) moist air rises high into the sky and cools (as night is cooler from day). That water vapor in it condenses and forms what will become raindrops. These droplets move around in the cloud and bang into each other. As they do this, they increase in size until they are heavy enough to fall. The heaviest rain falls from the deepest, darkest clouds which are high enough for the raindrops to develop properly

By Brian Walker 


"He bindeth (Compresses) up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. He holdeth (Fastens) back the face of his throne, (Covering i.e. atmosphere or air) and spreadeth his cloud upon it. He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day (Warm) and night (cool) come to an end." - (Job 26:8-10 KJV)

I want to address the word ”bindeth” or “bind” in the Hebrew and Chaldee language; the word used was Tsarar taken from the Strong’s Concordance #6867 meaning to cramp, or compress, condense or narrow.

The reason for this clarification is because once we understand what was said or intended, we better recognize what we read.

Without clouds, it would not rain.

Clouds are made up of water droplets formed when warm; (Day) moist air rises high into the sky and cools (as night is cooler from day). 

That water vapour in it condenses and forms what will become raindrops.

These droplets move around in the cloud and bang into each other.

As they do this, they increase in size until they are heavy enough to fall from the cloud (and fall to the earth bringing the cycle to an end).

Rain clouds usually have particular characteristics.

They are often large, grey clouds and appear dark because they are so large and full of water that sunlight cannot get through them.

The heaviest rain falls from the deepest, darkest clouds which are high enough for the raindrops to develop properly.

Many in today’s world believe that Science and the Bible are contrary to each other, and as a matter of fact,” nothing could be farther from the truth. One of the most detrimental areas to the Bible and Christianity as a whole is not what the bible says, but what Christians and secularists believe it says .I discovered long ago that the word of God stands on its own authority and does not need our help. Many have stumbled and fallen prey to their own ignorance and the ignorance of the Church and their dogma and understanding of fables, in effect what they try to do is make the Bible fit their theology and not the truth. The bible is not only a spiritual journey but it is futuristic, dynamic, and scientific! Yes I said the word scientific in many ways.

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