You Must Stumble Before You Dance
You might be in pain and confusion - it’s so challenging in that place to believe that a good plan is unfolding. It’s so faith-stretching to open our eyes to see God more clearly.
You must stumble in confusion before you dance with joy - you
will tremble in agony as you live in a sinful, self-prioritizing world. You will
learn to wait in emptiness and frustrated desire for God’s plan of love to
reveal itself.
With confidence and hope you will not only feel the pain of
living in the valley but also see God’s glory from the mountaintop of faith.
Editor’s Note: What if we
viewed the Bible as God’s great love letter to His people? What would happen if
we looked at His story, His Book, in a different way and saw His love more
clearly and developed and even closer love relationship with Him? We hope you
enjoy this devotional from God’s Love Letter to You by Larry Crabb.
“I will stand my
watch and set myself on the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me,
And what I will answer when I am corrected.” — Habakkuk 2:1 NKJV
God says: Never
ignore your struggle with how I do things. Ask every question that rises in
your heart as you live in this world. But prepare yourself to struggle even
more with My response.
You must stumble in confusion before you
dance with joy.
Know this: ‘those
who live by faith will struggle in ways that those who live to make their lives
work will never know.
`It is that struggle,
to believe despite desperate pain and confusion that a good plan is unfolding,
that will open your eyes to see Me more clearly.
`Is that what you
want? Will you pay the price?’
The price is this: you will tremble in agony
as you live in a sinful, self-prioritizing world.
You will learn to wait in emptiness and
frustrated desire for My plan of love to reveal itself.
With confidence in Me and hope in My plan, you will not only feel the pain of living in the valley but also see My glory from the mountaintop of faith.
Only those who struggle in confusion and wait
in hope will be strengthened to struggle well and to wait with confidence.
Struggle well!
Wait in hope!
Take a Moment to Reflect
Identify what your normal way of thinking is
in response to unexplainable circumstances and hardships.
Do you plow ahead and try not to think much?
Do you try to fix it?
Do you try to find a Scripture passage to
make sense of it?
What would it look like for you to embrace
before God the struggle and all that you think and feel?
Based on the reading, what do you think it
means to struggle well?
What might have to change in your thinking?
Pain in life often tempts us to believe we
have done something wrong that, if corrected, would eliminate the pain.
How might you think differently about
suffering, given today’s thoughts?
Take a Moment to Pray
Father God, I am not
sure how to answer this question: “Am I willing to pay the price?”
I want my answer to
be yes, but I am scared.
Strengthen my heart
to believe something good is happening when pain and confusion overwhelm me.
I want to learn to
struggle well.
In Jesus’ name,
Your Turn
Today, you might be in pain and confusion.
It’s so challenging in that place to believe
that a good plan is unfolding.
It’s so faith-stretching to open our eyes to
see God more clearly.
Are we willing to pay the price to know Him
deeper and trust Him more?
Come share your thoughts with us on our blog.
We want to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily
Excerpted with permission from God’s Love Letters to You by Larry Crabb, copyright Larry Crabb.
Larry Crabb is a well-known psychologist, seminar speaker, Bible teacher,
author, and founder/director of NewWay Ministries. He is also Scholar in
Residence at Colorado Christian University, Professor for Richmont University
in Georgia, and serves as Spiritual Director for the American Association of
Christian Counselors.
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