Consider His Promises...
God can do in a moment what takes us years to accomplish. He's working even now, accomplishing things in you and around you that you cannot perceive or imagine at the moment.
One day, you'll step out of
this crisis and marvel at what God has done, His attention to detail, and the
love with which He carried out His plans for you. Walk by faith, not by sight.
Susie Larson
“For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in
Christ with a resounding ‘Yes!’ And through Christ, our ‘Amen’ (which means ‘Yes’)
ascends to God for his glory.” ~ 2 Corinthians 1:20
May you pause for a moment today to
consider this truth: No virus, no circumstance, no enemy, no opposition can
keep you from God's best purpose for you!
Your unbelief is the only roadblock that
stands in your way.
God can do in a moment what takes us years
to accomplish.
He's working even now, accomplishing things
in you and around you that you cannot perceive or imagine at the moment.
One day, you'll step out of this crisis and
marvel at what God has done, His attention to detail, and the love with which
He carried out His plans for you.
Walk by faith, not by sight.
Look past your frustrations and consider
His promises.
When God searches the world over, may He
find faith and expectancy in your heart.
Embrace forward-moving faith while you wait
for your breakthrough.
2 Corinthians 1:20 (NLT) ~ “For all of God’s promises have been
fulfilled in Christ with a resounding ‘Yes!’ And through Christ, our ‘Amen’
(which means ‘Yes’) ascends to God for his glory.”
is God's love letter to us. Every promise He makes, He keeps. Everything He
asks of us, He redeems. Yet still, life is hard. Sometimes we drift from what's
true and we let our guard down. We have a very real enemy who looks for such
opportunities. But we serve a very real God who draws us back to himself time
and time again. He's equipped us to prevail--to prove that our enemy will not
conquer us. When this war is over, through Christ, we're the ones who'll
still be standing.
In Prevail,
Susie Larson guides you through the arc of the entire Word of God. Using
powerful Scripture passages, thought-provoking questions, and practical steps
for applying what you've learned, Susie offers 365 days' worth of opportunities
for you to know God's Word, experience His presence, hear His voice, and do
what He says so that you may finish your race faithfully and joyfully.
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