Let Go of Lies
About Heaven
Eight Myths
Many Believe
After the final judgment, God will remake the universe itself and then relocate the present Heaven to the New Earth, where He will live with His people. The Bible’s substantial information about the world to come belongs to us — and the Bible provides far more information than most realize.
God wants us to anticipate what awaits us. Though
the present Heaven is wonderful, “far better” than earth under the curse, it is
not the place we’re made for. Our destiny is a resurrected life on a
resurrected earth. Heaven is
wherever God dwells and His throne is, and God’s dwelling place and throne will
be on the New Earth.
God’s plan is to come down after the resurrection to live
with us forever in our place, the New Earth. As Jesus is God incarnate, so the
New Earth will be Heaven incarnate. God’s future plan of a renewed physical
universe means we will live, eat and drink, laugh and play, rest and work,
exercise our gifts as God’s image-bearers, and most importantly, be with,
worship, and serve King Jesus. God plans to physically restore His entire
creation, including us, earth, and animals.
We should daily look forward to a world without evil,
suffering, or death, where God will live with us and wipe away our tears
forever. Anticipating the glorious realities of the resurrected earth has
breathtaking implications for our present happiness and our sense of the far-reaching
scope of the gospel message. Let’s live upon Heaven’s joys now, jettisoning
unbiblical and unworthy views of Heaven, and believing that the best truly is
yet to come.
Big books full of Scripture, theology, and
quotations from people long dead don’t normally sell well.
Yet to my surprise, and the publisher’s,
over a million copies of my 2004 book Heaven have sold.
Innumerable readers, including pastors,
have told me their views of the afterlife have radically changed.
In an age when people try to make doctrines
more appealing by ignoring or twisting biblical truth, here’s the irony — the
true biblical doctrine of Heaven is far more attractive than the dull, inhuman
view of the afterlife that has long prevailed in evangelicalism.
That off-putting perspective still
imprisons many believers.
Based on countless interactions I’ve had
with readers of the book and others over the past sixteen years, here are eight
persistent misconceptions about Heaven.
1. We
will spend eternity in the clouds.
After the final judgment, God will remake
the universe itself and then relocate the present Heaven to the New Earth,
where He will live with His people (Revelation 21:1–4).
The promise of Heaven on earth shouldn’t
surprise us, but it’s shocking and suspicious if we’ve always believed
something else.
Many throughout history understood this
biblical doctrine, including more recent Reformed theologians such as Herman
Bavinck, Cornelius Venema, Anthony Hoekema, and Albert Wolters.
Sadly, the great majority of evangelicals
have not read their books. Even those who have don’t always grasp the
At Bible college and seminary, my last New
Testament classes ended with the final judgment in Revelation 20.
In eschatology, we examined the pros and
cons of a mid-trib rapture, and discussed the millennium, but we never talked
about the New Earth, the central subject of Scripture’s last two chapters.
So we paid zero attention to the place
where we will live with Jesus and each other forever!
Pastors who have read Heaven often contact
me to share that their education was nearly identical.
As humans, we’re no more drawn to a vague
angelic realm than we are to eating gravel. We need to recover the biblical
doctrine of Heaven, culminating in the New Earth.
2. The
Bible says very little about Heaven.
A Christian leader once visited my office,
asking what I was researching. “A big
book on Heaven,” I answered.
He replied, “First Corinthians 2:9 says, ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no
mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.’ So what will
you write about?”
I gave my usual response: “You didn’t complete the sentence: ‘but God
has revealed it to us by his Spirit.’”
When God reveals otherwise undiscoverable
truths to us, we’d better pay attention. “The
secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed
belong to us and to our children forever” (Deuteronomy 29:29).
The Bible’s substantial information about
the world to come belongs to us — and the Bible provides far more information
than most realize (for example, Isaiah 60 is quoted twice in Revelation 22,
suggesting it’s about the New Earth).
God wants us to anticipate what awaits us.
That’s why Peter says, “According to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new
earth in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).
3. We can learn about Heaven from people’s
claims of going there.
A television network once called my office
and asked, “Has Randy been to Heaven?”
Our receptionist answered, “If he has,
he’s never mentioned it. But he did do years of research in the Bible and
church history.”
The conversation ended abruptly: “We want to interview people who have
actually been there.”
Too often, people view accounts of visiting
Heaven as gospel.
Obviously, God can show someone the
afterlife if He so chooses.
But “it
is appointed for man to die once” (Hebrews 9:27).
Since these stories are told by people who
will “die twice,” it seems likely that they did not truly die the first time,
even if vital signs weren’t measurable.
A person’s memories under heavy sedation — and
his or her ability to distinguish dreams from reality — aren’t reliable, but
God’s word is (John
The apostle Paul, who had been to Heaven,
said, “This man was caught up into
paradise . . . and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not
utter” (2
Corinthians 12:3–4).
Many books, however, claim to divulge
secrets that, sadly, some readers believe instead of Scripture.
4. Heaven
now will be Heaven later.
When Christians die, they enter the present
Heaven. “Grandma’s now in Heaven”
refers to a temporary period between life on earth and the resurrection.
Though the present Heaven is wonderful, “far better” than earth under the curse (Philippians 1:23), it is not the
place we’re made for.
Our destiny is a resurrected life on a
resurrected earth: “Then I saw a new
heaven and a new earth. . . . I heard a loud voice from the throne saying,
‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them’” (Revelation 21:1–3).
Heaven is wherever God dwells and His
throne is, and God’s dwelling place and throne will be on the New Earth (Revelation 22:3).
God’s ultimate plan is not to take us up to
live with Him in His place (which happens at death).
His plan is, rather, to come down after the
resurrection to live with us forever in our place, the New Earth.
As Jesus is God incarnate, so the New Earth
will be Heaven incarnate.
5. We’ll
live forever without a body.
Plato believed that material things,
including bodies, are evil, while immaterial things, such as souls, are good.
What I call “Christoplatonism” infects many
churches, teaching that human spirits are better off without bodies, and Heaven
is a disembodied realm.
Our inability to appreciate the physical
nature of the resurrection robs believers of excitement for Heaven.
God’s future plan of a renewed physical
universe means we will live, eat and drink, laugh and play, rest and work,
exercise our gifts as God’s image-bearers, and most importantly, be with,
worship, and serve King Jesus.
Jesus spoke of the “renewal of all things” (Matthew 19:28 NIV).
Peter preached that Christ will remain in
Heaven “until the time for restoring all
the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets” (Acts 3:21).
Yet somehow, we’ve overlooked an entire
biblical vocabulary. Reconcile. Redeem. Restore. Recover. Return. Renew. Resurrect.
God plans to physically restore His entire
creation, including us, earth, and animals (Isaiah 11:6–9; 65:17, 25; Romans 8:19–23).
6. Heaven
will be boring.
Believing that eternal life consists of
endless harp strumming furthers Satan’s strategy “to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his
dwelling” (Revelation
Thinking that Heaven will be boring betrays
a heresy — that God is boring. Nonsense!
God made our taste buds, adrenaline, the
nerve endings that convey pleasure to our brains, our imaginations, and our
capacity for happiness and excitement.
longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in
the city, and his servants will serve him” (Revelation 22:3 NIV).
Servants have things to do, places to go,
people to see. Our most common everyday activities will be worship, punctuated
by the joy of joining the multitudes to praise Him.
First Corinthians 10:31 will apply just as
much in eternity as it does now: “Whether
you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
We can worship God now by working,
painting, playing, reading, writing, and enjoying every other innocent
activity. How much more on a New Earth where righteousness reigns?
7. We won’t be us anymore or remember our former
The idea that we’ll lose our identities in
Heaven is Hindu, not Christian. Resurrection will forever reestablish us as
glorified human individuals.
Christ’s resurrection is our prototype. He
proclaimed, “It is I myself” (Luke 24:39).
When Thomas said, “My Lord and my God,” he knew he was speaking to the same Jesus
he’d lived with for years.
Job said, “After my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see
God, whom I shall see for myself” (Job 19:26–27).
You will be you in Heaven. Who else would
you be?
Since we’ll give an account of our lives on
earth, we must remain us, and our memories will have to be better, not worse.
Scripture gives no indication of a memory
wipe causing us not to recognize family and friends.
In fact, if we wouldn’t know our loved
ones, the comfort of an afterlife reunion, taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:14–18,
would be no comfort at all.
8. Heaven will be a spiritual realm with no
human culture.
A Bible college professor took offense at
my suggestion that culture — including inventions, concerts, drama, and sports —
will likely be part of the New Earth.
But if we will be God’s resurrected
image-bearers living on a resurrected earth, why wouldn’t they be?
We’re told Heaven is a city (Hebrews 11:10;
Cities have buildings, art, music,
commerce, science, and technology. And of course, cities have people engaged in
gatherings, conversations, work, and play.
Heaven is also a country (Hebrews 11:16).
Countries have land, animals, rulers, and
citizens who are both diverse and unified.
We’re told “the kings of the earth will bring their glory into” the New
Jerusalem (Revelation
Culture is the natural, God-intended
product of His calling for mankind to rule over creation.
If we believe Scripture’s teaching that
mankind and earth will exist in physical form, as the entire doctrine of
resurrection dictates, then culture must continue. How could it not?
Is Yet to Come
Since the resurrection awaits God’s
children, we haven’t passed our peak happiness and never will.
There’s no need for bucket lists, because
our new universe adventures will far exceed this life’s. We really will live
happily ever after. That’s not wishful thinking. It’s the blood-bought promise
of Jesus.
We should daily look forward to a world
without evil, suffering, or death, where God will live with us and wipe away
our tears forever (Revelation
Anticipating the glorious realities of the
resurrected earth has breathtaking implications for our present happiness and
our sense of the far-reaching scope of the gospel message.
Let’s live upon Heaven’s joys now, jettisoning unbiblical and unworthy views of Heaven, and believing that the best truly is yet to come.
Randy Alcorn, founder of EPM
Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of fifty-some books and the founder and
director of Eternal Perspective Ministries.
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