Saturday, March 13, 2021

FROM WISDOM TO FOOLISHNESS - Solomon disobeys God's command against marrying foreign wives saying these wives will lead to the demise of Solomon's faith and his earthly kingdom. Solomon held fast to his wives in love - he loved his foreign wives more than he loved God. Solomon had more wisdom than anyone on earth yet his love for women made him a fool. This is a powerful message to us. Would we do wrong things to please ourselves or someone else - spouse, parents, children, boss, friends? If we choose to love anyone or anything more than we love God and His commands, we may "enjoy" our lives, but we will surely ruin them. - God told Solomon, "Ask for whatever you want," and Solomon's unselfish request for wisdom brought Solomon great favor, wealth and wisdom from God.” Solomon disobeys God's command against marrying foreign wives and God speaks to Solomon again saying these wives will lead to the demise of Solomon's faith and his earthly kingdom. This time Solomon's answer is not recorded, but we know he didn't change. Scripture says, Solomon held fast to his wives in love. He loved his foreign wives more than he loved God. He had more wisdom than anyone on earth, yet his love for women made him a fool. Would we do wrong things to please ourselves or someone else - spouse, parents, children, boss, friends? If we choose to love anyone or anything more than we love God and His commands, we may "enjoy" our lives, but we will surely ruin them.


From Wisdom to Foolishness


Solomon disobeys God's command against marrying foreign wives saying these wives will lead to the demise of Solomon's faith and his earthly kingdom. Solomon held fast to his wives in love - he loved his foreign wives more than he loved God. 


Solomon had more wisdom than anyone on earth yet his love for women made him a fool. This is a powerful message to us. 


Would we do wrong things to please ourselves or someone else - spouse, parents, children, boss, friends? If we choose to love anyone or anything more than we love God and His commands, we may "enjoy" our lives, but we will surely ruin them.

Gail Burton Purath


God told Solomon, "Ask for whatever you want," and Solomon's unselfish request for wisdom brought Solomon great favor, wealth and wisdom from God.” (1 Kings 3:5-15).

Fast Forward: 
Solomon disobeys God's command against marrying foreign wives and God speaks to Solomon again saying these wives will lead to the demise of Solomon's faith and his
 earthly kingdom (1 Kings 11).

This time Solomon's answer is not recorded, but we know he didn't change. (1)

Scripture says, Solomon held fast to his wives in love (1 Kings 11:2).

He loved his foreign wives more than he loved God.

He had more wisdom than anyone on earth (1 Kings 10:23), yet his love for women made him a fool. 

This is a powerful message to us. 

Would we do wrong things to please ourselves or someone else - spouse, parents, children, boss, friends?

If we choose to love anyone or anything more than we love God and His commands, we may "enjoy" our lives, but we will surely ruin them.

I'm Gail Burton Purath. I started Bible Love Notes to give people a minute of Scriptural encouragement in their busy day.

I don't have all the answers, but

since I asked Christ to be my Lord and Savior in 1974, I've been learning from the One Who has all the answers!

I'm still a sinner, a learner, a student who falls down and disappoints God at times. But it's my desire to grow closer to the Lord, day by day, minute by minute.

I need to be challenged, encouraged, corrected and comforted, and I think you do as let's learn together about the love of God--a love that is so vast that we will always be discovering new and wonderful things about it.

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