Encountering the God of Blessing
The Almighty is portrayed in the Bible as a God of love, mercy, and
kindness - He’s the God of blessing
spiritual blessing is available to us in Christ. God was manifested in the
flesh in the person of His Son and offered Himself as an atonement for the sins
of humanity. Now all who come to faith in Jesus are delivered from the curse of
sin, able to enter fully into their Heavenly Father’s blessing!
God has always
been, and will always be, the God of blessing. Because of that, you can be
confident that “goodness and mercy” will follow you if you are following Him.
by John D. Garr
“Blessed be the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every
spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians
Far too many people today think of God as a harsh,
bitter old man who sits on a throne in a land far, far away, just waiting for
an opportunity to judge some poor soul who has violated one of His
But the true image of the God of Scripture is just the
The Almighty is portrayed in the Bible as a God of
love, mercy, and kindness He’s the God of blessing.
King David
said, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His
works” (Psalm 145:9).
John declared simply that “God is love”
(1 John 4:8), and he maintained that without love it is impossible
to know God.
The apostle
Paul encapsulated God’s “blessing” nature in these beautiful words: “Blessed
be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).
Instead of being promised just a few blessings, the
Bible says EVERY spiritual blessing is available to us in Christ.
Reversing the Curse
However, there’s a problem. Even though blessing is
implanted by our Heavenly Father into the very fiber of human existence, His
Word warns against the curse and consequences of sin.
All men and women initially were slaves to sin (Romans 3:23, 5:12).
David lamented
the human condition that had produced his unspeakable sins of murder and
adultery: “I was born in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me”
(Psalm 51:5).
Likewise, the
apostle Paul described the pain of sin’s addiction: “The good that I will to
do, I do not do: but the evil that I will not to do, that I practice” (Romans 7:19).
The record of
human history is clear: “There is none righteous, no not one" (Romans 3:10).
Unless Jesus had died for us on the cross, the curse
of sin could never have been lifted.
God’s Blessing Plan
God was not content to leave humanity in sin.
He refused to dwell on the “original sin” and
focused on His own plan for humanity: “original blessing.”
Instead of
seeking our condemnation, God “gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
To ensure the fulfillment of His original blessing to
humanity, God was manifested in the flesh in the person of His Son (John 1:14) and offered Himself as an atonement for the sins of humanity (Ephesians 1:7).
Now all who come to faith in Jesus are delivered from
the curse of sin, able to enter fully into their Heavenly Father’s blessing!
God has always been, and will always be, the God of
Because of that, you can be confident that “goodness
and mercy” will follow you if you are following Him.
And because His blessings never come to an end, you
will dwell in His house forever (Psalm 23:6).
Let the God of blessing show you His love and blessings today!
Dr. John D.
Garr has
served the Christian church as theologian, presbyter, and educator for over 40
years, including the past 15 years as Founder and President of Restoration
Foundation, an Atlanta-based transdenominational, international, multi-ethnic
networking organization focused on publishing and education. Learn more
at hebraiccenter.org.
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