Saturday, August 1, 2020

DANCING BEFORE THE LORD - ‘Why this waste of perfume?’ If Mark’s story of Mary’s “waste” means anything at all, it suggests that our love for Jesus may express itself in ways that others find uncomfortable. A year’s wages were involved in Mary’s anointing. It was an “unwise” act that invited the disciples’ scorn. But Jesus commended her for her act of devotion - Jesus saw the love that prompted her action despite what some would consider the impractical nature of it. Different forms of worship — informal, formal, quiet, exuberant — represent a sincere outpouring of love for Jesus - He’s worthy of all worship that comes from a heart of love - Mark 13 ends with Jesus urging His disciples, and everyone, to be awake rather than asleep when He returns. Into the account of those who are conspiring to get rid of Jesus Mark inserts the story of a woman who honors His approaching death. “Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, ‘Why this waste of perfume?’” In the spirit of her affections, she was awake even if she didn’t consciously know that she was foreshadowing Jesus’ suffering. A group of religious leaders were clueless to the fact that in the secrecy of their murderous plans, they, along with Judas, were about to betray and demand the crucifixion of their long-awaited Savior. Two days before the Jewish feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread, they were sleeping in what Jesus had called the “yeast” of hypocrisy.

A Disciple's Guide To Common Sense: The Woman With the Alabaster ...
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation. Psalm 62:5
Dancing Before

Different forms of worship — informal, formal, quiet, exuberant — represent a sincere outpouring of love for Jesus - He’s worthy of all worship that comes from a heart of love


Woman with the Alabaster Jar

‘Why this waste of perfume?’ If Mark’s story of Mary’s “waste” means anything at all, it suggests that our love for Jesus may express itself in ways that others find uncomfortable. 

A year’s wages were involved in Mary’s
anointing. It was an
“unwise” act that invited the disciples’ scorn. But Jesus commended her for her act of devotion - Jesus saw the love that prompted her action despite what some would consider the impractical nature of it. 
By David H. Roper

“Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, ‘Why this waste of perfume?’” - Mark 14:4
Today's Scripture: Mark 14:1–9
Mark 13 ends with Jesus urging His disciples, and everyone, to be awake rather than asleep when He returns (verses 35–36).
Chapter 14 gives us contrasting examples of what it means to be ready.
Into the account of those who are conspiring to get rid of Jesus (Mark 14:1–2, 10–11), Mark inserts the story of a woman who honors His approaching death (verses 3–9).
In the spirit of her affections, she was awake even if she didn’t consciously know that she was foreshadowing Jesus’ suffering (verses 6–9).
A group of religious leaders, on the other hand, were clueless to the fact that in the secrecy of their murderous plans, they, along with Judas, were about to betray and demand the crucifixion of their long-awaited Savior.
Two days before the Jewish feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread, they were sleeping in what Jesus had called the “yeast” of hypocrisy (Luke 12:1).
A number of years ago, my wife and I visited a small church where during the worship service a woman began to dance in the aisle.
She was soon joined by others.
Carolyn and I looked at each other and an unspoken agreement passed between us: “Not me!”
Let all that has breath praise the Lord.  Psalm 150:6.We come from church traditions that favor a serious liturgy, and this other form of worship was well beyond our comfort zone.
But if Mark’s story of Mary’s “waste” means anything at all, it suggests that our love for Jesus may express itself in ways that others find uncomfortable (Mark 14:1–9).
A year’s wages were involved in Mary’s anointing.
It was an “unwise” act that invited the disciples’ scorn.
The word Mark uses to describe their reaction means “to snort” and suggests disdain and mockery.
Mary may have cringed, fearing Jesus’ response.
But He commended her for her act of devotion and defended her against His own disciples, for Jesus saw the love that prompted her action despite what some would consider the impractical nature of it.
He said, “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me” (verse 6).
Different forms of worship — informal, formal, quiet, exuberant — represent a sincere outpouring of love for Jesus.
He’s worthy of all worship that comes from a heart of love.
Reflect & Pray
"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.".....1Thessalonians 5:16-18Why do you think we’re critical of unfamiliar forms of worship?
How can we change our thoughts about a form of worship that’s outside our comfort zone?
I bow before You, Almighty God, and worship You now. You’re worthy of the highest praise and adoration.

David H. Roper was a pastor for more than 30 years and now directs Idaho Mountain Ministries, a retreat dedicated to the encouragement of pastoral couples. He enjoys fishing, hiking, and being stream-side with his wife, Carolyn. His favourite fictional character is Reepicheep, the tough little mouse that is the soul of courage in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. His favourite biblical character is Caleb—that rugged old saint who never retired, but who "died climbing." Find books by David Roper
Dance for Him 💝Where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is freedom.Psalm 9:11Psalm 34:1 KJV ◆ I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
I Will DANCE!!! SING!!! WORSHIP!!! TODAY!!! #dance #praisedance #4everpraiseDance before the LORDDance worshipDuring the holiday of Sukkot we construct a sukkah, a “booth” or temporary structure, that we will "live in" for the holiday week. Living in a sukkah is meant to recall God’s surrounding love and care for us as we make our journey through the desert of this world on our way to Zion... On a spiritual level, however, the essence of Sukkot is “dwelling” or “abiding” in the Divine Presence.--Hebrew for Christians
Worship through danceThank you for praying for my sister-in-law, she found out today that no more cancer cells found in tissue of her lumpectomy!! She begins 30+ radiation treatments next week. We are praising God that her cancer was found so early!! Prayer warriors make a difference and God is always worthy of praise, but right now it is praise and gratitude overflowing!!
There is a time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:4 #NLT #Bible verse | CrossRiverMedia.comPortrait Of A Blessed Lady- Come To Me all Ye who are weary and Labored and I will Give You rest. Sayeth The Lord... #LadyLuxuryDesigns.Worship in the inner court

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