
From Pain to Praise
When we are discouraged or confused, we can take our cues from the
psalmist Asaph who knew how to move from pain to praise.

Asaph was confused by people who seemed to live happily despite their ungodly choices. He cried out in the night and was deeply troubled when he thought of former times. But when Asaph was troubled, feeling rejected and forgotten by God, he always stopped himself and changed his perspective.
began pondering God’s faithfulness,
His ever-present comfort, and His past
miracles for His people. From pain to praise, he let God’s faithful character
restore his broken spirit. Asaph couldn't change his circumstances, so he
changed his perspective. We can do the same!
Gail Burton Purath

“Why, Lord?” I asked for the thousandth time. I wasn’t angry, just
Why did these loved ones make choices that hurt us and
hurt themselves?
Why did things go from bad to worse?
Why couldn’t they see that denying biblical principles is
a mistake?

Then I remembered a God-lover who asked similar questions
1000 years ago.
In Psalm 73, Asaph was
confused by people who seemed to live happily despite their ungodly choices.
In Psalm 77, he cried out
in the night and was deeply troubled when he thought of former times.
But when Asaph was troubled, feeling rejected and
forgotten by God, he always stopped himself and changed his perspective.
He began pondering God’s faithfulness, His ever-present
comfort, and His past miracles for His people. (1)
From pain to praise, he lets God’s faithful character
restore his broken spirit.
Asaph couldn't change his circumstances, so he changed his
perspective. We can do the same!
(1) 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 expresses
God's ability to comfort us in our sorrows.
Hi! I'm Gail
Burton Purath. I started Bible Love Notes to give people a
minute of Scriptural encouragement in their busy day.
I don't have all the answers, but
since I asked Christ to be my Lord and
Savior in 1974, I've been learning from the One Who has all the answers!
I'm still a sinner, a learner, a student who falls down and disappoints God at times. But it's my desire to grow closer to the Lord, day by day, minute by minute.
I'm still a sinner, a learner, a student who falls down and disappoints God at times. But it's my desire to grow closer to the Lord, day by day, minute by minute.
I need to be challenged, encouraged,
corrected and comforted, and I think you do as well...so let's learn together
about the love of God--a love that is so vast that we will always be
discovering new and wonderful things about it.

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