Joyce Meyer
A couple of years ago, I did something
As the year began, I made a resolution to be
thankful every single day of the year.
I have to say the results were amazing!
You see, gratitude changes our perspective
and outlook on life. It’s impossible to be thankful and negative at the same
Psalm 100:4 says, “Enter
His gates with a song of thanksgiving and His courts with praise...”
When we choose to give thanks to God for the
blessings in our lives, we are literally ushering ourselves into His presence.
It fills our hearts with peace, joy and hope.
In fact, as I chose to be grateful, I noticed
that having a thankful attitude has the power to turn around a perfectly lousy
We have so much to be thankful for in life.
Even during the “storms” of life (especially
during the storms!), we should make a decision to focus on God’s goodness and
We can be strengthened by God’s love,
refreshed by His Word, and fully energized to press on in our journey of faith.
Instead of focusing on the negative — instead
of constantly focusing on anything and everything that is not going as planned —
we can choose to remember the good things He’s doing and celebrate.
So, what kinds of things can we be thankful
for? I actually made a list, so I can frequently look at it and get encouraged.
Here are just seven of the things I am
thankful for...
o God’s provision
o The love of my family
and friends
o The privilege of
teaching God’s Word
o The gifts of the Holy
o Being able to help
o Clean water and good
o All the beautiful
things that God has created
I think we can sometimes read a message like
this and think, Well, I’ve heard this before. I know I should be thankful.
However, I encourage you to take this message
to heart and try it for yourself. You’ve heard the old phrase, “Count your
Well, it’s great advice! And it’s Biblical!
Take a few moments right now to thank God for
His goodness, love and faithfulness.
Then thank Him for a couple things in your
life that you’re grateful for — whether it’s your family, your career, or even
your cup of coffee in the morning.
Make a habit of being thankful.
As I mentioned, I think it’s a great idea to
keep a list handy to remind you of everything you have to be grateful for.
You can even write yourself notes and put
them around the house or at your office.
So much of our happiness has to do with our
focus... what we’re dwelling on in our mind.
That’s why when we put our focus on God and
all of the great things He does for us, it breathes hope into our thoughts,
moods, and our entire day.
When we give thanks, we make God bigger in
our eyes... and suddenly our problems seem smaller!
Do you want to make this day and every day
Then begin to count your blessings!
As you do, your perspective will change, and
you'll suddenly feel so much better about life.
Meyer Ministries
is called to share the Gospel and extend the love of Christ. Through media we
teach people how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their lives and
encourage God's people to serve the world around them. Through our missions
arm, Hand of Hope, we provide global humanitarian aid, feed the hungry, clothe
the poor, minister to the elderly, widows and orphans, visit prisoners and
reach out to people of all ages and in all walks of life. Joyce Meyer
Ministries is built on a foundation of faith, integrity and dedicated
supporters who share this call.
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