and Friends

Jesus was asking
to not have to face the cross.
Moments later,
though, when the soldiers came to arrest Him, Jesus did not resist.
He said to Peter; “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink
the cup the Father has given me?”
Did you get
that? Jesus’ mindset was to no longer avoid the
cross if possible; no, now,
He was ready to
unflinchingly embrace the
If you’re facing
a terrible trial, by all means pray that if it is God’s will, He’ll remove it.
But once you’ve
prayed, leave the trial with him and be willing to take up your cross and follow Jesus
down the hard path.
It’s the example
our Lord Jesus gave to you and me.
share the hope of the Gospel and give practical help to people impacted by
disability. We've been changing the church and communities around the globe for
the past 40 years.

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