Matt Sorger
Every moment in your life that has been lost
or stolen from you is coming back in Jesus name!
Joel 2:23-25
declares, "Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord,
your God; for He gives you the former or early rain in just measure and in righteousness,
and He causes to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter
rain, as before. And the [threshing] floors shall be full of grain and the vats
shall overflow with juice [of the grape] and oil. And I will restore or replace
for you the years that the locust has eaten—the hopping locust, the stripping
locust, and the crawling locust, My great army which I sent among you."

In Joel the children of Israel had turned
away from God.
As a result of their poor choices they
suffered a locust plague that destroyed everything in the land.
But this is how amazing God's goodness is.
Even though it was their own fault, God still promised to restore everything
that was lost.
Get ready to experience God's extravagant
goodness in every area of your life!
There was one main key to the restoration.
Joel 2:13 "Rend
your hearts and not your garments and return to the Lord, your God, for He is
gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness; and He
revokes His sentence of evil [when His conditions are met]."
Even if we are
suffering the consequences of our own bad choices, when our heart is submitted
to God, He moves in and in His amazing love and goodness restores every lost
God is so big that
even if He has to add extra years onto your life, He can do that.
And the glory of your
latter years will be greater than your former!
Get ready to see
restoration on every level.
Restoration of your
heart, mind, soul, emotions, physical body, relationships, family, and years
that may have been wasted. God is restoring them back to you!
is a prophetic minister who carries a unique anointing that fills entire rooms
with the tangible glory of God, with many saved, healed, set free and filled
with God’s presence. Matt is a strong preacher and teacher of God’s word,
mentoring and equipping the body of Christ to live in the realm of God’s power
and glory. He has impacted the globe ministering in over 35 nations and has
reached over 200 nations by television and media. Matt and his wife Stephanie
oversee Rescue1, rescuing children
from trafficking around the world. Their vision is to see at least 1,500
children set free.
was touched by the power of God at the age of fourteen. After witnessing the
supernatural healing of his mother, he came into his own personal encounter
with the Lord and was radically saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. From an
early age Matt had a deep hunger for God causing him to spend hours a day in
prayer. Out of this place of intimacy the presence and power of God was
released in Matt's life in tangible ways.
pursuing a degree in medicine, Matt was called by God into full time ministry.
Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, Matt received a degree in Biblical
Studies, graduated with highest honors and served as President of his class in
Bible school for four years. Matt then served in pastoral ministry, during
which time he ministered closely with Lou Engle of The Call, seeing over 85,000
believers gather together from across the nation and the world for a united day
of prayer and fasting in New York City. While serving with The Call, Matt
hosted several regional gatherings where the power of God was poured out in
extraordinary ways. After receiving a powerful visitation from God, Matt was
launched out into an international prophetic, healing ministry where He has
seen thousands saved, healed and delivered by the glorious power of the Holy

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