
‘Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry
about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.’ - Matthew 6:34
Sometimes it’s hard
to tell the difference though isn’t it?
We can become so
engrossed in our future plans that our planning begins to consume us as we
worry that everything will work out as hoped.
Careful planning is
thinking ahead about goals and putting into place a course of action to reach
those goals.
Wise planners,
however, know that life happens in the midst of plans, and that it is best to
hold things lightly and trust God to work everything out for good, even when
events take a different turn to what was had expected.
Proverbs reminds us that ‘In his heart a man plans his
course, but the Lord determines his steps.’ (Proverbs 16:9).
Even the very best
of plans can go astray if they are not part of God’s purposes for His children.
Be Greatly Blessed!
Thank you.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Final Thoughts:
When planning is
done well though, it can certainly help to alleviate worry and stress.
It is good to have
a course of action and know where we are going.
If we have nothing
to aim for, we will miss the mark every time.
Jeremiah wisely said, ‘I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is
not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.’ (Jeremiah 10:23).
God’s ability to
direct our lives is way beyond our own.
Let’s not allow our
worries over the future to interfere with our relationship with God today.
Nothing, not even
our plans, must come before Him.
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