structures in rare bacteria suggest the amazing process of photosynthesis is
much “older” than evolutionists assumed.
are two types.
first is anoxygenic photosynthesis that uses molecules other than water to
drive the process and doesn’t produce oxygen as a byproduct.
second is oxygenic photosynthesis, which separates water into hydrogen and
oxygen to drive photosynthesis, and releases oxygen as a byproduct.
photosynthesis is the most common, found in algae, plants and some bacteria — a
fundamental process that sustains human and animal life.
decades, evolutionary theory stated that anoxygenic photosynthesis evolved
first, followed about a billion years later by oxygenic photosynthesis.
Dr. Tanai Cardona and fellow researchers at Imperial College, London found
unique structures in so-called “ancient” bacteria (Heliobacterium
modesticaldum) indicating that oxygenic photosynthesis was occurring a billion
years earlier than commonly thought.
Creationists see photosynthesis as a very
sophisticated biochemical process, unable to evolve by chance and time.
ScienceDaily article stated, “The finding could mean the evolution of
photosynthesis needs a rethink, turning traditional ideas on their head.”
Some of these speculative ideas have become
commonplace, are taken as fact, but find little support.
By investigating H. modesticaldum, the research team
at Imperial College found fully functional photosynthesis was already in place —
to put it simply: one kind of photosynthesis did not evolve into the other.
As long as evolutionists insist the formidable and
elegant process of turning light energy into sugar simply evolved, they will
forever “need a rethink” and will constantly turn over traditional ideas.
*Mr. Sherwin is Research Associate is at ICR and earned
a master’s in zoology from the University of Northern Colorado.
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