By: Jim Virkler
The John Ankerberg
In 1892 viruses
were discovered to be infectious agents.
The concept of such
agents supported Louis Pasteur’s “germ theory” in the 19th century.

Our knowledge of
viruses in the last century has multiplied greatly.
When a novel
phenomenon like COVID-19 appears on the world stage causing enormous damage to
our health and economy, we realize there is much more to learn.
Citizens rely on
the judgment and action of the trained scientists and politicians we have
We are at their
mercy if they make serious mistakes. Our prayers for those in authority should
be redoubled.
Throughout the
current viral pandemic many have wondered about its multiple causes and effects which
have metaphorically brought the nations of the world to their knees.
a family of viruses, were known as far back as 1960.
Generally, they did not cause very severe illnesses.
They caused serious
illnesses but were not especially contagious. Neither was widespread.
SARS (8098 cases;
774 deaths) has apparently disappeared while MERS (2494 cases; 858 deaths)
appears infrequently.
But now our world population
has been struck with a serious disease caused by a mutated virus. What is the
nature of mutation?
All of Earth’s
living things coexist with multiple other creatures, including trillions of
bacteria and viruses.
Under optimal
circumstances, living things thrive. We have reported that the presence of
trillions of bacteria and viruses make our planet “significantly… a microbe
Living microbes
such as bacteria and quasi-living virus microbes sometimes disrupt the normal
functioning of other living things.
believe the COVID-19 pandemic resulted from a mutation in a virus.
Even though viruses
are not strictly living, they possess genetic information which affects
function of living things they inhabit.
An optimally
designed living thing has its own genetic blueprint — DNA — analogous to a blueprint for a home building project.
DNA, the wondrously
complex design blueprint for all living things, ordinarily guides the
construction of a perfect physical structure with proper functionality and
esthetic appeal.
In mutations, there
is a “copying error” in DNA.
Mutations are
errors in the DNA master blueprint — the coded genetic sequence of an organism.
This sequence of
proteins, abbreviated A/T and G/C must occur in a precise order so that the
living system is assembled according to a unique creative plan.
To apply our home
building analogy, the blueprint must not contain errors.
If errors exist in
the blueprint read by the builders, the physical structure will be imperfectly
constructed and/or functionally deficient.
Likewise, the
genetic blueprint, DNA, may acquire errors by natural radiation, chemical
factors, or other inherent natural means.
We shift to the
cause of the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of virus mutation.
The definition of
the coronavirus mutation as a “copy error” needs refinement.
The novel virus was
produced by the recombination and reassortment of genes from at least two parent
viruses which infected host cells at the same time.
Two different
viruses swap genetic material to form a ‘novel’ virus with characteristics
different from the parent virus.
In the case of the
novel COVID-19 virus, the new characteristics include ease of contagion and
severity of symptoms.
Diverse viruses
inhabit exotic animals.
In Asia, some of
these animals are bats, civet cats, raccoon dogs, and pangolins.
These exotic
animals are consumed as food, sometimes as delicacies. They are slaughtered and
sold in markets, often in filthy conditions.
It is not difficult
to believe that animal viruses in such circumstances could invade human bodies.
As this post was
written, significant evidence has revealed that an animal research bio-lab may
be the source of the COVID-19 virus.
The novel, never
before seen COVID-19 virus has upset the lives of many of the world’s billions
of residents.
The novel virus has
existed on our planet for less than one year.
There are many
harmful human practices and activities. Human contacts and relationships with
certain animals must proceed with caution and wisdom.
A Wikipedia article on strict
Hebrew dietary laws states, “Some suggest that these are only tests of
obedience, while others have suggested philosophical, practical, or hygienic
Our modern society
should value wisdom with respect to handling of animals and insuring the safety
of our food supply. This issue has many ramifications.
In view of modern
knowledge gained in the field of virology, we beseech God to help us in our
current crisis and deliver us from future crises.
The Creator’s
instructions to man in the earliest days (Genesis 1:28) were more general than explicit: Be
fruitful… Increase in number… Fill the earth… Subdue it… Rule over (all living
It is clear that
humans should appropriate intrinsic wisdom as we utilize animal life for
companionship, personal enjoyment, work, food, clothing, and a variety of other
We must even be
mindful of animals’ interactions with microbes — now perhaps, more than ever
a retired New Jersey public school science educator, now devotes his time
investigating the harmony of scientific discoveries and Christian faith. He and
his wife, Eleanor, now reside in the mid-west near their children and
more than 40 years The John Ankerberg Show has offered Real
Answers to Real Questions and presented and defended the Christian faith. In
all areas of ministry and through a variety of media outlets, our mission is to
provide answers to tough theological questions in order to proclaim
biblical truth, encourage the believer, and challenge the skeptic.
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