Sunday, January 31, 2021

HE WORKS WHILE YOU REST... When seed is planted in good soil, a miracle of multiplication takes place! Great soil yields sometimes thirty, sometimes sixty, and sometimes even one hundred times as much as was planted! When we plant seeds of God's Word into the lives of others, and we don't see a result at first, we must not lose heart. When we plant seeds of faith for God to move mightily in our midst, and then we water them with the Word of God and the promise of His faithfulness, we can rest in God and trust the growth process to Him. The one who rests in the knowledge who trusts God is who He says He is, they know that God can bring forth life from the smallest faith seed. When we lay our head on the pillow at night, God still works. When we carry out our daily duties and entrust our unfulfilled desires to God, He carries out His plan for us. When we cease striving because we know He is God, He steps up and shows us that He truly is God. It's important not to forget that God's promises are true for you and for those you touch every day. Jesus is an active and engaged God and He does His best work on behalf of a restful heart. Rest in Him. The seed represents the Word of God. When seed is planted in good soil, it produces a great harvest. To have good soil in your heart is to have a great atmosphere for growth. If you look at the previous paragraphs in Mark chapter four, you'll notice that Jesus addresses the different reasons the Word doesn't take root



He Works While You Rest...

When seed is planted in good soil, a miracle of multiplication takes place! Great soil yields sometimes thirty, sometimes sixty, and sometimes even one hundred times as much as was planted! 


When we plant seeds of God's Word into the lives of others, and we don't see a result at first, we must not lose heart. When we plant seeds of faith for God to move mightily in our midst, and then we water them with the Word of God and the promise of His faithfulness, we can rest in God and trust the growth process to Him. The one who rests in the knowledge who trusts God is who He says He is, they know that God can bring forth life from the smallest faith seed. When we lay our head on the pillow at night, God still works. 


When we carry out our daily duties and entrust our unfulfilled desires to God, He carries out His plan for us. When we cease striving because we know He is God, He steps up and shows us that He truly is God. It's important not to forget that God's promises are true for you and for those you touch every day. Jesus is an active and engaged God and He does His best work on behalf of a restful heart. Rest in Him. He's fully invested in you.

Susie Larson


I post every Wednesday and my sole purpose is to nourish your soul along the way. Each month I give away a $10.00 Starbucks gift card to someone who posts on my blog. So leave a comment, share an insight, bless lots of folks, and just maybe you'll win a jolt of java for you and a friend.


I've been working my way through the Gospel of Mark and something caught my attention recently.

Read this little passage:

Jesus also said, “The Kingdom of God is like a farmer who scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, while he’s asleep or awake, the seed sprouts and grows, but he does not understand how it happens.” (verses 26-27)

The seed represents the Word of God. When seed is planted in good soil, it produces a great harvest.

To have good soil in your heart is to have a great atmosphere for growth.

If you look at the previous paragraphs in Mark chapter four, you'll notice that Jesus addresses the different reasons the Word doesn't take root:

o  Seed on the footpath (and unguarded heart) ~ Satan comes and takes it away

o  Seed on the rocky soil (no spiritual depth) ~ Troubles come and they fall away

o  Seed among the thorns (distracted by worries, enticed by riches) ~ The lesser life makes them lose their way

And yet, when seed is planted in good soil, a miracle of multiplication takes place!

Great soil yields sometimes thirty, sometimes sixty, and sometimes even one hundred times as much as was planted!

When we plant seeds of God's Word into the lives of others, and we don't see a result at first, we must not lose heart.

When we plant seeds of faith for God to move mightily in our midst, and then we water them with the Word of God and the promise of His faithfulness, we can rest in God and trust the growth process to Him.

When we hold on to faith, we don't have to keep digging up the soil.

The striver struggles with the unseen process, can't quite accept that most change at first happens beneath the surface.

But the one who rests in the knowledge who trusts God is who He says He is, they know that God can bring forth life from the smallest faith seed.

They know that in due time, life will push through the soil, and reveal itself to a watching world.

There's something so powerful about a heart at rest, a heart set fully on the faithfulness of God.

When we lay our head on the pillow at night, God still works.

When we carry out our daily duties and entrust our unfulfilled desires to God, He carries out His plan for us.

When we cease striving because we know He is God, He steps up and shows us that He truly is God.

It's important to plant seeds of faith in the soil of your heart.

It's important to sow seeds in the lives of others.

It's important not to forget that God's promises are true for you and for those you touch every day.

And how wonderful to know that as you entrust your whole life to Him (as well as the countless seeds you sow), He is working and continues to work on your behalf.

Jesus is an active and engaged God and He does His best work on behalf of a restful heart.

Rest in Him. He's fully invested in you.

Susie has spoken locally, nationally, and internationally to thousands of women about such issues as prayer, balance and the power of our choices. Susie is the author of several books and many articles. She also works as a freelance writer for Focus on the Family. Susie has been interviewed on radio stations across the country. Susie communicates the love of Jesus with passion, humor and conviction.


I love...reading, writing, cycle class, biking on the trails as fast as I can, spending time with my husband and sons, watching my two older sons lead worship, watching my youngest son play football or basketball, and sitting quietly with Jesus and listening to what He has to say


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KINGS AND PRIESTS - It’s easy to imagine being a king with the privilege and honor of establishing and creating things for God’s glory. It’s a little harder to imagine being a priest because that involves sacrifice. Believers are called to be living sacrifices who daily take up their cross to follow Christ. This unique privilege of being both a king and a priest explains the dominion and authority invested in humans. As a king, you are empowered to go into the world and establish the Father’s kingdom and take authority over everything that opposes itself to God and His order. As a priest, you are equipped to take the elements you establish and offer them back to God as an offering. You are a blood-bought child of the living God who is anointed to serve the King of Kings, searching for His lost sheep and bringing them back to Him as an offering. - “You have made us kings and priests unto our God; and we shall reign on the earth.” - The authority invested in you as a son or daughter of the most high God is expressed in two dimensions: king and priest. It’s not too difficult to imagine being a king (or queen). After all, we find the idea of power, prestige, and authority extremely appealing. This kingly aspect of humanity exists by divine design and is established in the opening chapter of the Bible when God determines to make mankind in His image and likeness and let them have dominion. King David describes humanity as “crowned” with glory and honor.


Kings and Priests

It’s easy to imagine being a king with the privilege and honor of establishing and creating things for God’s glory. It’s a little harder to imagine being a priest because that involves sacrifice. 


Believers are called to be living sacrifices who daily take up their cross to follow Christ. This unique privilege of being both a king and a priest explains the dominion and authority invested in humans. 


As a king, you are empowered to go into the world and establish the Father’s kingdom and take authority over everything that opposes itself to God and His order. As a priest, you are equipped to take the elements you establish and offer them back to God as an offering. You are a blood-bought child of the living God who is anointed to serve the King of Kings, searching for His lost sheep and bringing them back to Him as an offering.

Rod Parsley


“You have made us kings and priests unto our God; and we shall reign on the earth.” - Revelation 5:10


The authority invested in you as a son or daughter of the most high God is expressed in two dimensions: king and priest.

It’s not too difficult to imagine being a king (or queen). After all, we find the idea of power, prestige, and authority extremely appealing.

This kingly aspect of humanity exists by divine design and is established in the opening chapter of the Bible when God determines to make mankind in His image and likeness and let them have dominion (Genesis 1:26).

King David describes humanity as “crowned” with glory and honor and says, “You have given him dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet …” (Psalm 8:6).

It’s easy to imagine being a king with the privilege and honor of establishing and creating things for God’s glory.

It’s a little harder to imagine being a priest because that involves sacrifice.

Believers are called to be living sacrifices who daily take up their cross to follow Christ.

This unique privilege of being both a king and a priest explains the dominion and authority invested in humans.

As a king, you are empowered to go into the world and establish the Father’s kingdom and take authority over everything that opposes itself to God and His order.

As a priest, you are equipped to take the elements you establish and offer them back to God as an offering.

Are you ready to use the authority that belongs to you?

You are a blood-bought child of the living God who is anointed to serve the King of Kings, searching for His lost sheep and bringing them back to Him as an offering.

When you do, you fulfill the apex of all Christian endeavor by placing the jewel of a soul in the crown of our Savior, so the Lamb that was slain might receive the reward of His suffering.

This is how you reign on earth!

As believers, we are called to be living sacrifices to follow Christ. I pray that today you make a sacrifice.

Whether it be big or small. No sacrifice goes unnoticed to the Lord.

He will provide for you as long as you continue to make sacrifices for Him.

I urge you today to think of something you can sacrifice unto the Lord.

To show your devotion to Him as a believer. Amen.

Further Reading

Genesis 1:26

Revelation 5:10

Psalm 8:6

Breakthrough with Rod Parsley

Weekly and daily broadcasts of dynamic preaching which focus on the authority of the Gospel and the power of God to transform lives!

The Breakthrough with Rod Parsley broadcast is taking sound biblical doctrine and the Gospel of Jesus Christ "to all people," reaching over 200 nations, on multiple satellites that provide a signal to virtually the entire globe. More than 680 million households receive Breakthrough on a global basis seven days a week, 365 days a year. Included are more than 100 million households in the United States alone, presented through multiple networks and airtimes.

Breakthrough is the worldwide soul-winning media ministry of Rod Parsley, advancing the kingdom of God around the world through the eye of the camera. Multiplied tens of thousands are being challenged to become redemptive agents of change for kingdom advancement in their communities and homes.

With practical teaching helping to grow strong Christians, Breakthrough with Rod Parsley makes a significant impact by boldly proclaiming the authority of Jesus Christ to save, heal and transform. Breakthrough with Rod Parsley is committed to reaching this generation with relevant truth to meet the challenges of the real world.

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FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD - "Dead faith" is a proclaimed faith in name alone, has no power or sign of true, redemptive work or positive change in lifestyle or even a desire to change over time does not equal a saving faith. Christians with a living faith will still sin, yet they will have a desire to be "imitators of God," who IS perfect. The difference between someone who claims to be a Christian yet has a dead faith and one with a living faith is their response to sin — are they heartbroken or do they show a desire to sin more? Christians will never be perfect until God perfects His sons and daughters in Heaven - Have you heard the phrase "faith without works is dead"? This is an often misunderstood and misinterpreted biblical truth. Many see a contradiction between this and another biblical truth about salvation: "by grace you have been saved... not a result of works." We can't earn our salvation, but salvation will result in fruits of the spirit, and that fruit is a reflection of an inner change of heart. If a person who professes to be a Christian isn't showing evidence of the fruits of the spirit, then it's likely they're living a "dead" faith. Good works cannot earn salvation. A works-based gospel isn't a gospel at all and is repeatedly denounced through Scripture. A works-based justification would mean that we could attain righteousness by our own actions, stealing the glory from God. A human being would then get all the credit instead of the Creator of the universe. Giving glory to God is one of the reasons we were created.


Faith Without Works Is Dead

Why is faith without works dead?

"Dead faith" is a proclaimed faith in name alone 


"Dead faith" has no power or sign of true, redemptive work or positive change in lifestyle or even a desire to change over time does not equal a saving faith. Christians with a living faith will still sin, yet they will have a desire to be "imitators of God," who IS perfect. 


The difference between someone who claims to be a Christian yet has a dead faith and one with a living faith is their response to sin — are they heartbroken or do they show a desire to sin more? Christians will never be perfect until God perfects His sons and daughters in Heaven 

By: September Grace


Have you heard the phrase "faith without works is dead"?

This is an often misunderstood and misinterpreted biblical truth.

Many see a contradiction between this and another biblical truth about salvation: "by grace you have been saved... not a result of works."

Here are the verses:

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." — Ephesians 2:8-9

"For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead." — James 2:26

While these verses may seem contradictory, they actually both point to the same truth: only God can save the soul and change the heart.

We can't earn our salvation, but salvation will result in fruits of the spirit, and that fruit is a reflection of an inner change of heart (Ephesians 4:22-24).

If a person who professes to be a Christian isn't showing evidence of the fruits of the spirit, then it's likely they're living a "dead" faith.

Good Works Cannot Earn Salvation

Whenever we study the Bible, we have to remember that a single verse, or chapter, or even book has to be taken in context of the overarching story of God's character and gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, as well as with historical, cultural, and literary context.

Sometimes James 2:14-26 is removed from its context to promote a works-based means of salvation (Titus 3:5).

But a works-based gospel isn't a gospel at all and is repeatedly denounced through Scripture.

Additionally, a works-based justification would mean that we could attain righteousness by our own actions, stealing the glory from God.

A human being would then get all the credit instead of the Creator of the universe. Yet giving glory to God is one of the reasons we were created.

Good Works Reflect a Changed Heart

While good works aren't the path to salvation, they are still an important evidence of a changed heart — a reflection of how God has renewed the spirit within.

Ephesians 4:22-24 uses the metaphor of exchanging an "old self" for a "new self," as though it were clothing: "... put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness."

There are many who claim to follow Christ but whose lives suggest they haven't actually experienced a saving faith.

Jesus says in Matthew 7:16, "You will recognize [my followers] by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?" (See Matthew 7:16-23 for context.)

We could never be 100% certain of the state of another person's heart, but a follower of Christ and a child of God will be convicted/taught/led by the Holy Spirit — not by the world.

And as such, that person will be found in different places and doing different things with different motives than someone who does not have the Holy Spirit influencing their heart.

Good works and obeying God's directives are an outward sign of a salvation already received.

What is a dead faith?

"Dead faith" is a proclaimed faith in name alone.

"Dead faith" has no power or sign of true, redemptive work or change.

Just because someone raises their hand in church and says, "Dear Jesus save me. K — thx!" that doesn't mean they've been saved.

Saying a prayer yet showing no positive change in lifestyle or even a desire to change over time does not equal a saving faith.

Salvation and a regenerate heart aren't "purchased" by saying a few words.

In fact, Romans 8:26-27 tells us that we don't even know how to pray rightly to begin with — that the supernatural intercession of the Holy Spirit alone allows us to talk to God at all.

"Dead faith" reveals a heart that just wanted a spiritual "safe zone" or a "get out of hell free" card.

A living faith reveals a renewed heart that recognizes their own sinfulness and rests in the grace and mercy of the Lord to change their life (John 3:3).

A living faith bears fruit through good works.

What is a living faith?

Please understand that Christians will never be perfect until God perfects His sons and daughters in Heaven (Philippians 1:6).

Christians with a living faith will still sin, yet they will have a desire to be "imitators of God," who IS perfect (Ephesians 5:1; Matthew 5:48).

The difference between someone who claims to be a Christian yet has a dead faith and one with a living faith is their response to sin and if they show a desire to sin more or to repent from sinful behaviors (Romans 7:15-20).

"No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God." —1 John 3:9

Have you been convicted against patterns of habitual sin?

Are you making active steps toward accountability, support, and healing from sinful choices?

Do you confess your sin to God when you fall back into old patterns? (1 John 1:9)

Do those patterns grieve your heart (Ezekiel 36:26)?

These actions are all signs of a regenerate spirit and a repentant heart that is growing and walking in the grace of God and also seeking to become more and more like Christ.

A living faith does not mean you are perfect. A living faith means you are trusting in, loving, following, and learning from the God of the universe who IS perfect, who IS love, who is unchanging in His passion for you.

A person with living faith is heartbroken over their sin and brought to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:5-13).

How do I know if my faith is living or dead?

If you struggle with the fear that you're not meant to be saved, you are not alone.

There are many other Christians who also struggle to know if their faith is genuine at all — alive or dead — or if they might do something bad enough they might lose their salvation.

Thankfully, the Bible gives us plenty of assurances and checks when it comes to our own faith.

God does not want us to be scared of or in the dark about His forgiveness (2 Timothy 1:7; Psalm 34:17-20).

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." — Romans 8:1


"Dead faith" is a proclaimed faith in name alone, has no power or sign of true, redemptive work or positive change in lifestyle or even a desire to change over time does not equal a saving faith.

Christians with a living faith will still sin, yet they will have a desire to be "imitators of God," who IS perfect.

The difference between someone who claims to be a Christian yet has a dead faith and one with a living faith is their response to sin — are they heartbroken or do they show a desire to sin more?

A living faith means you are trusting in, loving, following, and learning from the perfect God of the universe who is unchanging in His passion for you.

September Grace is an aspiring novelist, book hoarder collector, and movie watcher. She has a black feline floof named Faust, an assortment of plants that seek global domination, and a distinct lack of awareness for where she is at any given moment.