Eggs Not Bird-Like After All
Science demonstrates that birds
and dinosaurs represent two completely different creature kinds
Mainstream secular science is trying to make dinosaurs into warm-blooded animals because they are trying to make them the evolutionary ancestors of birds. They need dinosaurs to be warm-blooded if they are going to argue ancestry between the two animal groups. It is difficult to have a warm-blooded descendant from a cold-blooded ancestor - mounting evidence continues to show that dinosaurs are less like birds and much more like modern reptiles. The Bible says that God created each animal to reproduce after their kind.
Prevailing secular theory considers
birds to be living dinosaurs, but new science is hatching to support the stark
differences between these creatures.
The data demonstrate dinosaurs were
more likely cold-blooded like all modern reptiles.
Dr. Gregory Erickson of Florida State
University and his colleagues from the University of Calgary and the American
Museum of Natural History recently published their findings on dinosaur
incubation periods in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
They found that dinosaur eggs took
roughly twice as long to hatch as comparable bird eggs.
How did they determine the exact
incubation times?
The team discovered that embryonic
dinosaurs had incremental layers of von Ebner gland protein in their developing
teeth that formed growth lines, much like tree rings.
But these rings developed during
diurnal pulses of mineralization, giving a record of daily growth.
These same teeth growth lines are
present in today's reptiles and mammals but were never known from dinosaur
fossils prior to this Erickson study.
The scientists merely counted the
growth lines in the fossil teeth to determine embryonic age, conducting their
research on two species of dinosaur, Protoceratops andrewsi (a
frilled dinosaur) and Hypacrosaurus stebingeri (a duckbill
It has long been known that "In
reptiles incubation is slow, whereas in birds it is remarkably rapid."
Because many secular scientists
assume dinosaurs are similar to extinct birds, they readily infer dinosaurs
also had rapid incubation periods.
These recent
findings surprised the scientists. "Our results show unexpectedly slow
incubation (2.8 and 5.8 mo[nths]) like those of outgroup reptiles."
If these dinosaurs were truly
bird-like, they should have had incubation periods of about 40 days for Protoceratops and
82 days for Hypacrosaurus.
But the research team's results
calculate out at 83 days and 171 days, respectively — over twice as slow as
Why was this so shocking? Because
most secular scientists assume dinosaurs were warm-blooded like today's birds.
And they go so far as to say that
dinosaurs are, in fact, birds.
"Birds stand
out from other egg-laying amniotes [like reptiles] by producing relatively
small numbers of large eggs with very short incubation periods (average 11-85
In contrast, dinosaurs have been
known since the 1920s to typically lay clutches of about 20-30 eggs — a number
more in line with modern reptiles — far more than most modern birds.
And now we see that dinosaurs had
long incubation periods, again quite unlike birds.
This latest embryonic research shows
that dinosaurs are really more like modern reptiles, having a slower embryonic
metabolism than birds.
And yet, the authors of this PNAS article
seemed to completely side-step the metabolic implications for this discovery.
The scientific case for warm-blooded
dinosaurs is not nearly as strong as many believe — the mounting evidence
continues to show that dinosaurs are less like birds and much more like modern
The conclusion I made in my book is
further bolstered by this new research:
The unwritten side to this metabolism
debate is what is truly fascinating. It is actually a war of worldviews.
Mainstream, secular science is trying
to make dinosaurs into warm-blooded animals because they are trying to make
them the evolutionary ancestors of birds.
They need dinosaurs to be
warm-blooded if they are going to argue ancestry between the two animal groups.
It is difficult to have a warm-blooded descendant from a cold-blooded ancestor.
The Bible says that God created each
animal to reproduce after their kind.
And science again demonstrates that birds and dinosaurs represent two completely different creature kinds.
*Dr. Clarey is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation Research.
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) wants people
to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about—from how
and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God
and receive all He has planned for us.
After 50 years of ministry, ICR remains a
leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation. Founded
by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, ICR exists to conduct scientific research within
the realms of origins and Earth history, and then to educate the public both
formally and informally through professional training programs, through
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