Saturday, November 7, 2020

FACING A CROSSROAD IN LIFE - When you face a crossroad in life, you need to wait on God until you can move forward with confidence that God is directing your path. The Bible says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Just because a certain path or course of action seems right, that is no guarantee it is right. And just because another path may seem unpleasant or contrary to what we would think is best does not mean it is wrong. Therefore, we must trust in the Lord and not lean to our own understanding or insight. We must rest assured that God knows the end from the beginning, and He will lead us in the way that is best for us. - Crossroads. Everyone encounters them in life. A crossroad is a place of decision that will affect the course of one's life. Jacob faced a crossroad when he wrestled with the angel at Peniel. Jesus Christ faced a crossroad when He struggled with His own soul in the Garden of Gethsemane. Crossroads. North or south, east or west, which course will you choose? Which path will you take - God's will or your own ways? The choice is up to you. In Proverbs 3:5 and 6, King Solomon wrote: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths." When you face a crossroad in life, you need to wait on God until you can move forward with confidence that God is directing your path.


Facing a Crossroad in Life

God knows the end from the beginning


When you face a crossroad in life, you need to wait on God until you can move forward with confidence that God is directing your path. The Bible says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Just because a certain path or course of action seems right, that is no guarantee it is right. 

And just because another path may seem unpleasant or contrary to what we would think is best does not mean it is wrong. Therefore, we must trust in the Lord and not lean to our own understanding or insight. We must rest assured that God knows the end from the beginning, and He will lead us in the way that is best for us.

Written by Kenneth W. Hagin

Crossroads. Everyone encounters them in life.

A crossroad is a place of decision that will affect the course of one's life.

Jacob faced a crossroad when he wrestled with the angel at Peniel (Genesis 32:24).

Jesus Christ faced a crossroad when He struggled with His own soul in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-42).

Crossroads. North or south, east or west, which course will you choose?

Which path will you take - God's will or your own ways? The choice is up to you.

In Proverbs 3:5 and 6, King Solomon wrote: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths."

When you face a crossroad in life, you need to wait on God until you can move forward with confidence that God is directing your path.

The Bible says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (Proverbs 14:12).

Just because a certain path or course of action seems right, that is no guarantee it is right.

And just because another path may seem unpleasant or contrary to what we would think is best does not mean it is wrong.

Therefore, we must trust in the Lord and not lean to our own understanding or insight.

We must rest assured that God knows the end from the beginning, and He will lead us in the way that is best for us.

None of us can afford to rely upon our own understanding.

Because of our finite nature, we are limited.

Even what we see and what we think we know can be very different from what is actually true.

Only an all-wise, an all-knowing, and an all-loving God can be trusted to provide the very best for us in every area of our lives.

Each of us must ask ourselves one important question when we face a crossroad in life: Will the path we choose be a path that will fulfill God's plan for our lives?

Or will it simply be a path that follows our own reasoning for what we want out of life?

When you choose to obey the will of God for your life, you put yourself in a position to hear and to receive God's guidance for the course and direction of your life.

Obedience to God will keep you calm in the midst of chaos and will bring you through to victory in the face of defeat.

But true obedience must be more than just a one-time action; obedience must be a lifestyle.

In true obedience, the element of humility is always present.

I don't mean the false humility people "put on" in order to influence what others might think of them.

I mean humility that is from the heart.

Genuine humility is the result of true obedience, and humility keeps your heart tender and pliable before God so that you are always willing to say, "Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done."

Crossroads. Places of decision.

If you walk in obedience before God day-by-day, moment-by-moment, you will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and instruction for you.

Obedience increases the anointing of the Holy Spirit and expands the measure of God's grace upon your life.

Disobedience decreases the anointing and limits the measure of grace you operate in.

If you make the decision to obey God - no matter what you may see, think, or feel - when you stand at a crossroad in your life, you will be able to hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit say, "...This is the way, walk ye in it..." (Isaiah 30:21).

Source: From a Pastor's Heart by Kenneth E. Hagin. Jr.

Kenneth W. Hagin

Web site: Kenneth Hagin Ministries

Kenneth W. Hagin, President of Kenneth Hagin Ministries and pastor of RHEMA Bible Church, ministers around the world. Known for calling the Body of Christ to steadfast faith, he seizes every ministry opportunity to impart an attitude of “I cannot be defeated, and I will not quit.”

Rev. Hagin began preparing for his call to ministry—a ministry that now spans 50 years—at Southwestern Assemblies of God University. He graduated from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and holds an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Faith Theological Seminary in Tampa, Florida.

In his early years of ministry, Rev. Hagin was an associate pastor and traveling evangelist. Later, he went on to organize and develop RHEMA Bible Training Centers in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, and in other countries around the world.

Kenneth W. Hagin’s array of responsibilities also includes International Director of RHEMA Ministerial Association International. He hosts the annual A Call to Arms® Men’s Conference, and with his wife, Lynette, cohosts RHEMA Praise, a weekly television program, and Rhema for Today, a weekday radio program broadcast throughout the United States. They also conduct Living Faith Crusades, spreading the message of faith and healing around the world.

Recognizing the lateness of the hour before the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, Rev. Hagin has expanded his speaking schedule beyond his regular pastoral duties. To fulfill the urgent call of God to prepare the Church for a deeper experience of His Presence, Rev. Hagin delivers messages that reveal key spiritual truths about faith, healing, and other vital subjects. He ministers with a strong healing anointing, and his ministry leads the Body of Christ into a greater experience of the glory of God!

Kenneth W. Hagin and his wife live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the son of the late Kenneth E. Hagin.

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