Sunday, November 29, 2020

GODHEAD - The word “Godhood” does not mean “trinity,” but simply “Godhood” — that is, the nature of God, God as He has revealed Himself. He is one God, invisible, omnipresent Father and as visible, approachable Son, and also as indwelling, guiding Spirit. This remarkable structure of God, like His eternal power, is clearly reflected in His physical creation, which could almost be said to be a model of the Godhead. That is, the created universe is actually a tri-universe of space, matter and time, with each permeating and representing the whole. Thus the universe is all space, all time, and all matter (including energy as a form of matter); in fact, scientists speak of it as a space-matter-time continuum. The physical universe is a great “Trinity of trinities,” with the inner relationships of each element beautifully modeling the relationships of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is an amazing effect that can be explained on the assumption that God is a triune God, and has made His creation to reflect Himself, but it is very hard to explain any other way. - “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” The “Godhead” has always been understood to refer to the divine Trinity — Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God manifest in three Persons. The word itself does not mean “trinity,” but simply “Godhood” — that is, the nature of God, God as He has revealed Himself.



The word “Godhood” does not mean “trinity,” but simply “Godhood” — that is, the nature of God, God as He has revealed Himself 


He is one God, invisible, omnipresent Father and as visible, approachable Son, and also as indwelling, guiding Spirit. This remarkable structure of God, like His eternal power, is clearly reflected in His physical creation, which could almost be said to be a model of the Godhead. That is, the created universe is actually a tri-universe of space, matter and time, with each permeating and representing the whole. 


Thus the universe is all space, all time, and all matter (including energy as a form of matter); in fact, scientists speak of it as a space-matter-time continuum. 


The physical universe is a great “Trinity of trinities,” with the inner relationships of each element beautifully modeling the relationships of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is an amazing effect that can be explained on the assumption that God is a triune God, and has made His creation to reflect Himself, but it is very hard to explain any other way.

The Institute for Creation Research (ICR)


“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” - Romans 1:20 King James Version


The “Godhead” has always been understood by Christian theologians to refer to the divine Trinity — Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God manifest in three Persons.

The word itself does not mean “trinity,” but simply “Godhood” — that is, the nature of God, God as He has revealed Himself.

But that is the point; He has revealed Himself as a triune God.

He is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4; James 2:19), yet not as the ineffable, unapproachable unitary God of the Muslims but as invisible, omnipresent Father and as visible, approachable Son, and also as indwelling, guiding Spirit.

This remarkable structure of God, like His eternal power, is clearly reflected in His physical creation, which could almost be said to be a model of the Godhead.

That is, the created universe is actually a tri-universe of space, matter and time, with each permeating and representing the whole.

However, the universe is not partly composed of space, partly of matter, partly of time (like, for example, the three sides of a triangle).

A trinity is not a trio or a triad, but a tri-unity, with each part comprising the whole, yet all three required to make the whole.

Thus the universe is all space, all time, and all matter (including energy as a form of matter); in fact, scientists speak of it as a space-matter-time continuum.

Furthermore, note the parallels between the tri-universe and the divine Trinity in terms of the logical order of the three components.

Space (like the Father) is the invisible, omnipresent background of everything.

Matter (like the Son) reveals the universe (like the Godhead) in visible, understandable form.

Time (like the Spirit) is the entity by which the universe (like the Godhead) becomes applicable and understandable in events and experience.

But that is not all. Space is a tri-unity comprised of three dimensions, with each dimension permeating all space.

The reality of any portion of space is obtained by multiplying the three dimensions together (the “mathematics of the Trinity” is not 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, but rather 1 x 1 x 1 = 1).

Further, space is identified in one dimension, seen in the second dimension, experienced in the third dimension.

Similarly, time is future, present and past. The future is the unseen source of time, manifest moment-by-moment in the present, experienced and understood in the past.

Finally, matter is unseen, omnipresent energy, manifesting itself in various forms of measurable motion, then experienced in corresponding phenomena.

For example, light energy generates light waves which are experienced in the seeing of light.

Sound energy generates sound waves which we experience when we hear sound.

Thus the physical universe is a great “Trinity of trinities,” with the inner relationships of each element beautifully modeling the relationships of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

All of this does not prove that God is a Trinity, but it certainly is a remarkable fact.

It is an amazing effect that can be explained on the assumption that God is a triune God, and has made His creation to reflect Himself, but it is very hard to explain any other way.

Two other references to the “Godhead” occur in Acts 17:29 and Colossians 2:9.

The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) wants people to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about—from how and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God and receive all He has planned for us.

After 50 years of ministry, ICR remains a leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation. Founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, ICR exists to conduct scientific research within the realms of origins and Earth history, and then to educate the public both formally and informally through professional training programs, through conferences and seminars around the country, and through books, magazines, and media presentations. Click here for more information about ICR founder Henry M. Morris.

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