What is the tetragrammaton? What does YHWH
The word
tetragrammaton, meaning "four letters", is often used as the
technical term to refer to the Hebrew word YHWH. In early Judaism, the word was
used as the Lord's name. By the time of the Temple's destruction in 70 A.D.,
the word was considered too holy to pronounce. Another tradition that developed
regarding the use of God's name is to not write out the full name of God due to
its holiness. Instead, sometimes different letters or hyphens are used - it is
common to see Jewish writings that refer to God in written form in English as
The Old Testament was
originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic.
The Hebrew word
translated "Lord" comes from a word in Hebrew whose consonants
are represented by the English letters YHWH.
Because of the lack
of vowels in ancient written Hebrew, scholars have long debated how this word
was pronounced.
The two most common
pronunciations are Jehovah (a Latinized pronunciation used since the 16th
Century) and Yahweh (an attempt to pronounce the word according to a more
literal Hebrew rendering).
The word
tetragrammaton, meaning "four letters", is often used as the
technical term to refer to this Hebrew word.
In early Judaism, the
word was used as the Lord's name.
However, by the time
of the Temple's destruction in 70 A.D., the word was considered too holy to
The Jewish Mishnah (a book of early Jewish traditions)
even states, "He who pronounces the Name with its own letters has no
part in the world to come!"
Another tradition
that developed regarding the use of God's name is to not write out the full
name of God due to its holiness.
Instead, sometimes
different letters or hyphens are used. In English, it is common to see Jewish
writings that refer to God in written form in English as G-d.
Early Jewish
Christians likely continued the tradition of saying the word "Adonai"
(another word for Lord) in place of the tetragrammaton, but had no particular
rules against verbally saying or writing the holy name.
As Christianity
expanded beyond Jews to include non-Jewish believers, the practice of not
saying or writing the holy name for God from the Old Testament became less
However, still today
adherent Jews will say Adonai in place of Yahweh when reading Scripture as well
as refer to God as G-d in writing.
These practices are
not commanded of Christians but are certainly not wrong, as their intent is to
give honor to God and pay respect to His name.
The practice of not
saying or writing God's holy name is a matter of personal choice.
Of greater importance
is one's belief in the one, true God (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) and faith in His one
and only Son Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
Salvation is based on
God's grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).
No work, despite its
sincerity, brings salvation.
Yet respect and
reverence for God and His holiness is also a biblical command that is
represented in many ways.
For some, this
includes the tradition of how one refers to God's holy name.
The name of God Yahweh or YHWH is often connected with
His revelation to Moses in Exodus 3:14 where
"God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM.'"
God is the
self-existent One, the I AM, who is worthy of all worship and honor.
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