Saturday, November 28, 2020

FIND GOD - To seek our glory is to fall headlong into vanity and deception - let us give ourselves to seeking the glory of God, and let us do so until we find Him. As we are bathed in His glory, we shall be washed from seeking the glory of man. If we truly find Him, no one will have to tell us to be humble - no one need convince us our old natures are as filthy rags. What could be more important than finding God? Take a day, a week or a month and do nothing but seek Him, persisting until you find Him. He has promised, "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Find God, and once you have Him, determine to live the rest of your life in pursuit of His glory. As you touch Him, something will come alive in you: something eternal, someone Almighty! "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." There is only one thing that keeps some churches from prospering spiritually. They have yet to find God. Holiness comes from seeking the glory of God. If we are displaying our spirituality to impress men, still seeking honor from others, still living to appear righteous or special or "anointed" before people, can we honestly say we have been walking near to the living God? We know we are relating correctly to God when our hunger for His glory causes us to forsake the praise of men. Does not all glory fade in the light of His glory? What a weak comfort is the praise of men. Upon such a frail ledge do we mortals build our happiness.


Find God!

He has promised, "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." 


To seek our glory is to fall headlong into vanity and deception - let us give ourselves to seeking the glory of God, and let us do so until we find Him. As we are bathed in His glory, we shall be washed from seeking the glory of man. If we truly find Him, no one will have to tell us to be humble - no one need convince us our old natures are as filthy rags. What could be more important than finding God? Take a day, a week or a month and do nothing but seek Him, persisting until you find Him. Find God, and once you have Him, determine to live the rest of your life in pursuit of His glory. As you touch Him, something will come alive in you: something eternal, someone Almighty!

By Francis Frangipane

"You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13).


There is only one thing that keeps some churches from prospering spiritually. They have yet to find God.

Holiness Comes from Seeking the Glory of God

Jesus warned, "How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another, and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?" (John 5:44).

If we are displaying our spirituality to impress men, still seeking honor from others, still living to appear righteous or special or "anointed" before people, can we honestly say we have been walking near to the living God?

We know we are relating correctly to God when our hunger for His glory causes us to forsake the praise of men.

Does not all glory fade in the light of His glory?

Even as Jesus challenged the genuineness of the Pharisees' faith, so He challenges us: "How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another?"

What a weak comfort is the praise of men. Upon such a frail ledge do we mortals build our happiness.

Consider: within but a few days after the Lycaonians attempted to worship Paul, they were congratulating themselves for having stoned him (Acts 14:11-19).

Consider: was it not the same city whose songs and praise welcomed Jesus as "King . . . gentle, and mounted on a donkey" (Matthew 21:5-9) that roared, "Crucify Him!" less than one week later? (Luke 23:21)

To seek the praise of men is to be tossed upon such a sea of instability!

We must ask ourselves, whose glory do we seek in life, God's or our own?

Jesus said, "He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory" (John 7:18).

When we speak from ourselves and of ourselves, are we not seeking to solicit from men the praise that belongs only to God?

To seek our glory is to fall headlong into vanity and deception.

"But," Jesus continued, "He who is seeking the glory of the one who sent Him, He is true and there is no unrighteousness in Him" (verse 18).

The same quality of heart that made Christ's intentions true must become our standard as well.

For only to the degree that we are seeking the glory of God are our motivations true!

Only to the degree that we abide in the glory of Him who sends us is there no unrighteousness in our hearts!

Therefore, let us give ourselves to seeking the glory of God, and let us do so until we find Him.

As we behold the nature of Christ, as our eyes see Him, like Job we "abhor" ourselves and "repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:6 KJV).

As we are bathed in His glory, we shall be washed from seeking the glory of man.

If we truly find Him, no one will have to tell us to be humble.

No one need convince us our old natures are as filthy rags.

As we truly find God, the things which are so highly esteemed among men will become detestable in our sight (Luke 16:15).

What could be more important than finding God?

Take a day, a week or a month and do nothing but seek Him, persisting until you find Him.

He has promised, "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13).

Find God, and once you have Him, determine to live the rest of your life in pursuit of His glory.

As you touch Him, something will come alive in you: something eternal, someone Almighty!

Instead of looking down on people, you will seek to lift them up.

You will dwell in the presence of God. And you will be holy, for He is holy.

Adapted from Francis Frangipane's book, Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God, available at

Francis Frangipane is the author of numerous bestselling books, including "The Three Battlegrounds" and "Holiness, Truth and the Presence of God." He is also the founding director of In Christ's Image Training (ICIT), an online ministry school with students in over 120 nations. His heartfelt prayer is to see Christlike pastors and intercessors in every city united before God and revealing the love, power and healing of Jesus Christ to their communities.

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