Monday, January 6, 2020

BLUE SKIES AND CLOUDY DAYS - Of course, we prefer blue skies and sunshine. When the skies are cloudy and gray, I must remind myself… the sun is still shining right where it was yesterday when skies were blue. On the gray days, the sun is still there on the other side of those gray clouds. God perfectly placed it there a mere ninety-three million miles from earth just where it needs to be to sustain life on this planet. The sun has not moved. So is God, still shining, still working, still doing what He does. Of course, we love a more visible evidence of His presence and working in our lives. Don’t forget that on your cloudy days, He is still there! Here is the truth, for our faith to stretch and grow we must believe He is still there even though there are days when the clouds may appear to block our view. This is so important to understand. God is still with us on the days when the skies are not blue. There is not a cloud that can dim the power of the sun, or cloud or storm that can lessen the power of our God.

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Image result for images Blue Skies and Cloudy Days
Blue Skies and Cloudy Days
By Kathy Cheek

“For the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6

Blue skies and abundant sunshine – that is my kind of day.
Image result for images Its a wonderful world
When the skies are cloudy and gray, I must remind myself… the sun is still shining right where it was yesterday when skies were blue.
On the gray days, the sun is still there on the other side of those gray clouds.
God perfectly placed it there a mere ninety-three million miles from earth just where it needs to be to sustain life on this planet. The sun has not moved.
So is God, still shining, still working, still doing what He does.
Don’t forget that on your cloudy days, He is still there!
Of course, we prefer blue skies and sunshine. Of course, we love a more visible evidence of His presence and working in our lives.
Here is the truth, for our faith to stretch and grow we must believe He is still there even though there are days when the clouds may appear to block our view.
This is so important to understand. God is still with us on the days when the skies are not blue.
There is not a cloud that can dim the power of the sun, or cloud or storm that can lessen the power of our God.
What is the cloud or storm in your life? Health issues, financial matters, marital problems, family problems, trust issues, fear?
We are incapable of moving any clouds one inch for the sun to come shining through again.
But we can move the clouds of fog in our mind that make us feel like He has moved away from us.
We must choose to push them away with the truth of God’s Word that He goes with us and never leaves us, whether it is blue skies or a cloudy day.
“For the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6

Meet Kathy Cheek
I am the author of First Breath of Morning: Where God Waits For You Every Day, a book that gives God glory on every page because He has been Lord of my life since I was a young girl. My relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ has built a steadfast faith that has been the hallmark of my journey with Him. This is what I write about… our relationship with the Lord.
After being a freelance writer in the Christian market for over a decade I brought together my favorite writing themes for this unique book. Visit my Book Info page for more details about First Breath of Morning.
The writing of First Breath of Morning grew out of my pursuit of a deeper understanding of God’s love, faith, and walking with Him, and this pursuit took place as I journeyed to find my way through a time of feeling confused and without direction. We’ve all been at a crossroads in our faith walk where we choose to go deeper in our relationship with God and wholly follow after Him, or coast, and continue our own path in our own way.
As I sought the Lord through a more intensive time alone with Him and in His Word, I discovered that finding Him was much more rewarding than finding myself. I learned the importance of developing a deeper relationship with Him, and I discovered the depth of His love and found the stronger faith He calls us to when we yield surrendered lives unto Him.

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