Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A TRAMPLED ROSE - a sweet-smelling fragrance - Crucified laid behind a stone You lived to die rejected and alone Like a rose trampled on the ground You took the fall and thought of me Above all - While in church one Sunday morning, I was introduced to the song, “Above All” written by Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche. I cried when we sang the chorus. For years, I could not sing the song without being deeply moved. Just to imagine Christ, my comforter and best friend, crucified, rejected and alone, touched me deeply. I myself was going through a time rejection and felt so alone. The words of the song touched me deeply – realizing that Christ had the same feelings. The sentence, “Like a rose trampled on the ground,” gave me such a clear word picture of what Jesus went through for us. One of the names of Jesus is “Rose of Sharon.” When a rose is crushed or trampled, it offers a very sweet fragrance. Jesus is a sweet-smelling fragrance. We, as believers, are a sweet-smelling fragrance to those who believe.


A Trampled Rose

a sweet-smelling fragrance
by Katherine Kehler

“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2

Just over five years ago, while in church one Sunday morning, I was introduced to the song, “Above All” written by Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche.
I cried when we sang the chorus.
In fact, for years, I could not sing the song without being deeply moved. I still can’t.
Crucified laid behind a stone
You lived to die rejected and alone
Like a rose trampled on the ground
You took the fall and thought of me
Above all!
Just to imagine Christ, my comforter and best friend, crucified, rejected and alone, touched me deeply.
I myself was going through a time rejection and felt so alone. The words of the song touched me deeply – realizing that Christ had the same feelings.
The sentence, “Like a rose trampled on the ground,” gave me such a clear word picture of what Jesus went through for us.
One of the names of Jesus is “Rose of Sharon.”
One week, my husband and I spoke at a Day of Prayer gathering.
We sang the song again and the Lord gave me a new insight.
When a rose is crushed or trampled, it offers a very sweet fragrance.
Jesus is a sweet-smelling fragrance.
The Apostle Paul tells us that we, as believers, are a sweet-smelling fragrance to those who believe.
I wondered what kind of fragrance we as Christians offer when we have been rejected and feel alone – when we have been crushed and trampled on.
Mine is not always sweet. How about you?
Lord Jesus, thank You! Thank You that although You are above all powers and kings, nature and all created things, You were trampled to the ground – for us.
Yet being crushed, You were like a sweet-smelling rose. You did it all for us.
We ask that today and every day, when we feel crushed and rejected, a fragrance of sweet smelling rose would flow from our spirit so people would be drawn to You. Amen.

Katherine Kehler
was born in Bassano, Alberta, Canada and lived the first 9 years of her life in Rosemary, Alberta.  From there, her family moved to Abbotsford, BC and lived on a 64 acre dairy farm until she graduated from high school.
Katherine and Marvin were married in 1956 and had four children, three daughters and a son. Their children were raised on their 10 acre chicken farm. They lived 52 years of their married life in Aldergrove, BC.  They recently moved back to Abbotsford, BC.
When they were in their early thirties, their lives and priorities changed dramatically when they yielded total control of their lives to Jesus Christ and practised walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.
She served as the producer and executive editor of Women Today Magazine, which was read in over 140 countries. In 1995, she began a website version of the magazine.  In only a few years, the website grew to five websites, in English and French. When she transferred her ministry responsibilities to other women, over 220,000 women from 155 countries visited these websites every month. More than 11,000 women subscribe to her devotionals.
When Dreams Come True: Her first book, When Dreams Come True: Women Today Online was published in September 2001.  In October of that same year she was included in The Celebration of Women, a book that profiled influential Christian leaders from around the world. Articles about her have been published in several publications such as Faith Today, Maranatha, and Christian Leadership.

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