Tuesday, January 21, 2020

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR STRENGTH RUNS OUT – Some of you are weeping over what the enemy has stolen from you — weeping your way into depression and anxiety. Instead, you should arise and seize what is left. It’s time to arise, my friend! Whatever the devil did to you, he didn’t complete the job. He made the mistake of leaving some strength in you. If your strength seems weak, you are not alone. You see, your own strength is not enough. But if you will take what’s left of it and give it to God, who is more than enough, you will find Him to be sufficient. So, what if your joy isn’t what it used to be? Use what is left. So, what if your power is almost gone? Seize what is left and be who God said you could be. Don’t let circumstances abort your dream. God is not discouraged by your lack. He wants you to rise and seize what is left. God knows when you’re in critical condition — a 911 case! But despite your dilemma, God says, “It’s not over until I say it’s over.”

What to Do When Your Strength Runs Out
by T. D. Jakes

These are difficult days for many.
Although God has placed gifts, callings, and talents within us, we sometimes find them weakened, pressed down, or held back.
Perhaps your vision, dream, or desire has been crushed.
Yet Jesus tells us in Revelation 3:2 to “strengthen the things which remain.”
It’s time to arise, my friend!
Whatever the devil did to you, he didn’t complete the job. He made the mistake of leaving some strength in you.
If your strength seems weak, you are not alone.
The Apostle Paul reached a point when his strength had given out and his resources were exhausted. He needed the strength that only God could give him (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).
You see, your own strength is not enough. But if you will take what’s left of it and give it to God, who is more than enough, you will find Him to be sufficient.
Nehemiah looked at the ruined wall of Jerusalem and wept. He took the little bit that the devil had left and rebuilt the wall.
Some of you are weeping over what the enemy has stolen from you — weeping your way into depression and anxiety. Instead, you should arise and seize what is left.
So, what if your joy isn’t what it used to be? Use what is left. 
So, what if your power is almost gone? Seize what is left and be who God said you could be. 
Don’t let circumstances abort your dream. God is not discouraged by your lack. He wants you to rise and seize what is left.
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the thieves left the man “half dead” (Luke 10:30).
But they had made a big mistake. They left the man with just enough life to revive.
God knows when you’re in critical condition — a 911 case!
But despite your dilemma, God says, “It’s not over until I say it’s over.”
Give Him What You Have!
What do you have in your hand?
The disciples only had five barley loaves and two fish, but Jesus asked them to give it to Him.
When David faced Goliath, he only had five stones, but he faced the giant “in the name of the Lord of hosts” (1 Samuel 17:45).
When Paul went through his storm, the ship was torn to pieces. All he had left was a wooden plank, but the plank got him safely to the shores of deliverance (Acts 27:41-44).
Refuse to give up until you’ve fulfilled your dream.
You still have a story to tell, a testimony to give, or a book to write.
After all that has happened to you, there’s still some good stuff left over.
Let the Holy Spirit reveal it to you. Strengthen what remains!

T.D. Jakes is the senior pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas and a popular author and speaker. Learn more at TDJakes.org.
Adapted from Anointing Fall on Me by T.D. Jakes, © 1997, used by permission of Destiny Image Publishers, DestinyImage.com.

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