Thursday, January 23, 2020

ORBIT OF THE HEART – Inside the center of every human being sits an invisible throne. There is a seat reserved for one person, and one person alone. Our only hope is found in the resurrected, ascended, exalted Christ; the One in whom we must allow to triumphantly ascend to the throne of our hearts. When this inner coronation takes place, and King Jesus becomes our center, then nothing that comes our way will ever cause us to spin out of orbit again. If a person does not have the right center, his life will be out of order and out of orbit. There are people who have their job, business or money as the center of their life. There are others who have their husband, wife, or children as the center of their life. Some have amusements and pleasures. Others have their church, pastor or even their ministry as the center of their life. Then, all it takes is for their center to be shaken, and their whole world falls apart. Their orbit becomes erratic, worlds collide, and destruction overtakes them.

Image result for images heart orbit jesusOrbit of the Heart
humbly bowing to the Lordship of Jesus Christ
Missey Butler -- Long ago when God created the heavens, He very masterfully designed the universe with precise order and perfect centeredness.
Surpassing the great minds of philosophers and scientist alike, our Divine architect rolled out the blueprints of His Kingdom onto the drafting table of Heaven for all the world to see.
From the beginning of time, men have thought the earth was flat, and the planets were wandering stars. 
It wasn’t until 340 B.C. that Aristotle first introduced the concept that there was order in the universe. 
He saw the sun and the stars as lights in the canopy of the heavens that move around the earth. 
For 1600 years, man has struggled to make sense out of the times and seasons. 
Then, about 400 years ago a fellow by the name of Copernicus discovered that the sun is the center of our solar system.
As this knowledge increased, it gave a certain stability and predictability to all the events on the earth that are controlled by the perfect order of the heavens.
Likewise, if a person does not have the right center, his life will be out of order and out of orbit. 
There are people who have their job, business or money as the center of their life.
There are others who have their husband, wife, or children as the center of their life.
Some have amusements and pleasures. Others have their church, pastor or even their ministry as the center of their life.
Then, all it takes is for their center to be shaken, and their whole world falls apart.
Their orbit becomes erratic, worlds collide, and destruction overtakes them.
They may lose their jobs, their business may go under, their spouse may leave them, their children get into drugs and crime, or they are tragically killed in an accident.
As their lives quickly begin to spin out of orbit, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, they begin to fall apart, go haywire, and slowly self-destruct.
Did you know that inside the center of every human being sits an invisible throne? There is a seat reserved for one person, and one person alone.
The problem we often encounter is that we give the wrong person permission to sit on that throne.
We lower the royal scepter and grant ourselves permission to live any way we choose, without being subject to the very King of Kings Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our only hope is found in the resurrected, ascended, exalted Christ; the One in whom we must allow to triumphantly ascend to the throne of our hearts.
When this inner coronation takes place, and King Jesus becomes our center, then nothing that comes our way will ever cause us to spin out of orbit again.
We gladly discover a new world order, an abiding peace.
Image result for images heart orbit jesus
Our divine center is immediately established as we humbly bow to His Lordship, lowering our heads with the simple response of: “Yes, Lord, I willingly step down from the throne of my heart and allow you to ascend to your rightful position as the Ruler of my life." 
Then, we can confidently declare with a loud voice… Long live the King.
Isaiah 6:1 says, "I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.” 

Missey Butler is a freelance writer and contributor to

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