Friday, January 10, 2020

LEAVE YOUR SLEDGEHAMMERS HOME - We have the words of life to speak into anyone's life today - What an amazing thought that a holy and infinite God dwells within us when we come to faith! God is constructing this magnificent temple of living stones, believers around the world, and fitting us together into a masterpiece; stones of every color, every size, and weight, and fitting them TIGHTLY and perfectly together! Imagine walking into a glorious Temple, a visual masterpiece His temple of Living stones… and gazing at the splendor of gold, silver and precious gems … imagine the beauty! But how often do we ourselves as His body pick up our hammers and do this destructive work? There is a proverb of Solomon – “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Our tongues can become "hammers" of destruction and death to His precious children, His Holy Bride, in the Temple of God, His Body. Words can build up … and can also destroy! Use words as skillful building tools inspired by the Holy Spirit to build one another up … polishing each and every precious stone in God's Temple.

Leave Your Sledgehammers Home!
We have the words of life to speak into anyone's life today
Worthy Ministries

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” - 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

“in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” - Ephesians 2:21-22

What an amazing thought that a holy and infinite God dwells within our bodies when we come to faith!
This awesome God so desires to inhabit our very beings ... wow!
Now imagine how that God is constructing this magnificent temple of living stones, believers around the world, and fitting us together into a masterpiece; stones of every color, every size, and differing weight, and fitting them TIGHTLY and perfectly together for His glory!
Imagine walking into a glorious Temple, a visual masterpiece exemplifying His temple of Living stones… and gazing at the splendor of gold, silver and precious gems … imagine the awe of the beauty you're taking in!
Now brace yourself and imagine a person entering this glorious place, taking a sledgehammer and smashing the walls ... hitting every stone ... doing all he can to desecrate and destroy all this wonder and beauty … you'd say it's the height of insanity, a massive blasphemy against the magnificent work of the Creator!
But how often do we ourselves as His body pick up our hammers, big and small, and do this destructive work?
There is a proverb of Solomon – “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” - Proverbs 18:21
Our tongues can become "hammers" of destruction and death to His precious children, His Holy Bride, in the Temple of God, His Body.
Words can build up … and sadly, can also destroy!
Use words, not as hammers of destruction, but as skillful building tools inspired by the Holy Spirit to build one another up … polishing each and every precious stone in God's Temple.
Our Lord is a builder, the Living Word who says, "Let there be! And it IS! …” so, let us also be aware before we open our mouths to speak, as we will be judged for every idle word!
We have the words of life to speak into anyone's life today.
And "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." [Proverbs 25:11]

Worthy Ministries is a Christian organization based in the United States and Israel with a global outreach to more than 120 countries on a daily basis.
Though we are an internet ministry, we are also significantly involved in the land of Israel.
Each week, Worthy Ministries delivers thousands of daily devotionals and news briefs across the globe. This past year alone, we have sent out more than 5.2 million news briefs and inspirational devotionals. We have received thousands of encouraging responses from appreciative subscribers. And many millions have utilized our sites and services, including Worthy News, Worthy Chat, Worthy Devotions, and Worthy Christian Forums.

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