Thursday, January 9, 2020

GOD IS STANDING WITH YOU! - “you plus God, God plus you” - God standing with one person will always be the majority, even if that person seems alone. You already have the victory in the situation that’s overwhelming or oppressing you. From this day forward, remember: the enemy of your soul, Satan, is a liar. He wants to make you believe that you’re alone and that God isn’t concerned with your problems. He wants to make you doubt God’s love and His presence. Moreover, he attacks you with your past and makes you feel guilty. Remind him of what God is tenderly saying to you: Yes, you are one with God, and God always wins by a large majority! As soon as you feel the slightest doubt, confess that “you plus God, God plus you” will always equal the majority. If you answered YES to His calling, not only is God with you, but He occupies a very special position that’ll reassure you. “So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us?”

 God is standing with you!
“you plus God, God plus you”

If you answered YES to His calling, not only is God with you, but He occupies a very special position that’ll reassure you, I’m sure!
Here’s what the Bible tells us, in the Passion translation: “So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us?” (see Romans 8:31)
Indeed, when God has determined to stand with you, what could be against you?
God standing with one person will always be the majority, even if that person seems alone.
Let’s look together at when God stood alongside:
Moses: he was stronger than all of Pharaoh’s Egyptian armies that drowned in the Red Sea. (see Exodus 14:1-31)
Joshua: he saw the walls of Jericho fall and was able to conquer the Promised Land. (see Joshua 6:1-27)
Gideon: he overthrew the foreign invaders who were oppressing Israel. (see Judges 6:1-40)
Deborah: she won the victory over the warlords, and the country was at peace for 40 years. (see Judges 5:1-31)
David: he defeated the giant Goliath… and David was just a teenager. (see 1 Samuel 17:22-58)
My friend: you already have the victory in the situation that’s overwhelming or oppressing you.
From this day forward, remember: the enemy of your soul, Satan, is a liar.
He wants to make you believe that you’re alone and that God isn’t concerned with your problems.
He wants to make you doubt God’s love and His presence.
Moreover, he attacks you with your past and makes you feel guilty. Remind him of what God is tenderly saying to you:
“I stand with you, beside you, and the one who touches you touches the apple of My eye… Nothing will stop you; I cover you with the shadow of My right hand. You’re more than a conqueror in all your trials because of My Son, Jesus, who loved you so much that He gave His life for you.”
Yes, you are one with God, and God always wins by a large majority!
As soon as you feel the slightest doubt, confess that “you plus God, God plus you” will always equal the majority.
Be blessed! is a global international network of more than 70 Christian organizations and ministries who are engaged in online evangelism and discipleship. We see the impact in the lives of people. Every few seconds someone in the world decides that he or she wants to know more about Jesus. has a huge dream, which we believe God gave us:
Imagine a world with every single person having free access to the Gospel, knowing God, growing in Jesus and sharing faith easily.
We believe this dream can become a reality. Worldwide, 3.6 billion people have access to the Internet in 2017. Projections show that over 5 billion people are expected to have Internet access in 2020. This growth will continue the following years. Just imagine that all these people can find and share the Gospel online.

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