What Does Colossians 4:2 Mean?
yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving” - Colossians
In our
Christian life, we are entreated to continue steadfastly in prayer, to
pray continuously, to present our needs before our heavenly Provider, to
lift up others to the eternal throne of grace and to bend our ear to
His gentle promptings.
This is
proposed by Paul as a duty and responsibility, and yet it is the greatest
privilege given to the believer - to come before the throne of grace with
petitions, prayers and pleas for our fellow-man and our brothers and sisters in
Paul was
a man who devoted himself to pray for the saints and to continue steadfastly in
In this
verse, he calls the believers in Colossae to become prayer warriors, "devote
yourselves to prayer..." he writes, "keeping alert
in prayer, with an attitude of thanksgiving".
to prayer meant to continue steadfastly in prayer by coming to the throne of
grace for mercy to find help in times of need.
We are to
persevere in prayer... to commit to pray and not to give up, especially when
the answer seems a long time in coming.
We are to
persist in prayer, even when faced with mounting
difficulties and discouragements, and we are to pray daily - to pray without
ceasing and to take up our cross, and saturate it in prayer.
Often, an
irregular prayer life is the first slippery step on the downward path to
complacency, carnality and an ineffective Christian witness.
Prayer is
the means to maintain unbroken fellowship with our heavenly Father and unless
we develop persistence in prayer and devote ourselves to praying, we are in
danger of becoming lazy, disinterested and compromised in our faith.
to prayer is to ensure that every piece of our spiritual armour has been
prayerfully strapped on.
Ephesians, Paul calls us to "Pray always with all prayer and
supplication in the Spirit, and stay alert in prayer, with all perseverance and
intercession for all the saints."
Prayer is
not sitting for a few minutes with hands folded and eye shut tight.
Prayer is
the tool we have been given to prepare us for the work God has called us
to do and to ensure that we are well-prepared when faced with a crisis.
Prayer is
not meant to be saved for a rainy day or only used in an emergency.
Prayer is
our life-line to the Lord and we should develop an attitude of ceaseless
ceaseless, prayer is not, being engaged in a prayer closet 24/7, but is
developing a habit of prayer.
It is
initiating a mindset of prayer.. of keeping the lines of communication to the
heavenly throne-room open and clean, as we walk in spirit and truth and abide
in Christ, moment by moment.
Christ's ordeal in Gethsemane, a number of the disciples fell asleep when their
prayer support would have been so welcome, and they had to be admonished
to "watch and prayer - that ye enter not into temptation".
We live
in fallen bodies with an inherent sin nature and hindering the prayer-life of
the saints is a top priority for the enemy of our soul.
alert in prayer" we are all charged, "Watch and pray, with an
attitude of thanksgiving"
this epistle, we are challenged to pray "with thanksgiving".
opened his letter to the Colossians by telling them: "I give thanks
to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you".
later he gave thanks to the Father for their great salvation and inheritance
of the saints in the light.
chapter 2 we read the saints were "firmly rooted and being built up in
Him and established in your faith - just as you were instructed,
and overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving."
chapter 3 Paul exhorts the Colossians; "whatever you do in word or
deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
through Him."
And here
in chapter 4 we are instructed to "Continue earnestly in prayer, being
vigilant in it with thanksgiving."
should not be the quick after-thought of a busy believer, but an attitude that
permeates one's whole life.
should be the in-breathing of our Lord into the inner core of our being and
prayer should be the out-breathing of our utter devotion to our Saviour and
Let us
remember that when the prayers of the saints are offered to the Lord in
steadfast faith, combined with grateful thanks and a trusting heart, we have
the authority of heaven, behind all that we carry to the throne of grace -
through His nail-pierced feet.
My Prayer
Father, we bless You for Your grace and mercy to us.
Thank You
that I have the right to lay at Your feet my own needs and those
of others.
my understanding of the great privilege of prayer, that has been granted to me
and all Your children, and I pray that I increasingly devote my life to You in
prayer, praise, and grateful thanks in Jesus' name - this I ask in Jesus' name,
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