
Carolyn Roth
God using the balsam tree to give David victory over the
Philistines is described in 2 Samuel 5:17-25 and 1 Chronicles 14:8-18.
When the Philistines discovered that David was anointed king
over Israel as well as over Judah, they went out in force to search for
During the seven years David was king over Judah at Hebron, the
Philistines were not too concerned about his kingship.
For them the problem occurred when Israel (northern tribes)
asked David to be their king.
The Philistines cities were in the lands of the northern tribes;
they feared David would wage war against their cities.
The Philistines entered the Valley of the Rephaim, located on
the border between Judah and Benjamin on the west and southwest sides of
There they raided and plundered the inhabitants who were mainly
David responded to the Philistine’s raids and at Baal Parazim
David and the Israelites fought a battle with the Philistines.
The Philistines were routed. When they fled, the
Philistines abandoned their idols.
Following Mosaic law, David burnt the idols (Deuteronomy
7:5, 25).
Perhaps outraged by the previous defeat and David’s destruction
of their idols, the Philistines raided the Rephiam Valley a second time.
David asked God if he should attack the Philistines.
God’s answer was “yes;” but David’s army should not go straight
at the Philistines.
Instead, the Israelite army should circle around the Philistines
and attack them in front of the balsam trees.
The signal for the Israelite army to attack was the sound of God
marching in the tops of the balsam trees.
The marching sound meant that the Lord went in front of the
Israelites to strike the Philistines.
In the Rephaim Valley balsam trees grew in groves.
God made the wind blow through the tops of the balsam trees so
that leaves rustling and branches rubbing against each other and created a sound
like men marching.
The sound was so loud that the Philistine army thought that a
huge Israelite army was advancing toward them.
Terrified they fled the valley. David’ army pursued and
struck down the Philistines from Gibeon to Gezar, a range of about 15
At the time of this battle, Gezar was not a Philistine city; it
was held by the Egyptians (Joshua 10:33).
Apparently, the Philistine soldiers were so frightened that they
fled to the powerful Egyptians for safety.
The episode concludes with, “so David’s fame spread
throughout every land, and the Lord made all the nations fear him” (1
Chronicles 14:17).
The Balsam Tree
The balsam tree is a species of aspen, most likely the Populus euphratica, which is believed to be native
to Israel and Middle Eastern countries.
In Israel the tree grows throughout the country; it grows well
in rocky and hilly soils and in brackish water.
The balsaam tree grows as tall as 45 feet and has spreading
On older branches bark is thick, olive green to gray-brown, and
roughly striated.
Branches are bent and almost always forked.
The balsaam’s flower is called a catkin because it resembles a
cat’s tail and droops from the stem.
In mid-summer, the P. euphratica produces
a green to reddish brown fruit which is a 2-4 valve capsule.
Seeds are minute and enveloped in silky hairs which aid wind
Symbolism: God’s people
Balsam trees are associated with the word “people.”
The word Populus in the
name Populus euphratica is derived from the trees
ancient Latin name arbor populi which
means “the people’s tree.”
When God identified the Israelites as his chosen people, God
told them that he would dwell with them, walk with them, and protect them (Leviticus
26:12; Deuteronomy 11:22-25).
In the Valley of Rephiam, God gave his chosen people victory
through the sound of an army (people) marching in the tops of balsam
Israel’s victory was so decisive that David’s fame spread to
people of every land; the Lord made people of every nation fear David.
In the Old Testament, God took a people for himself who were of
one race.
In the New Testament, Christ directed his disciples to take the
good news of the gospel to all his creation (Mark 16:15).
Over 2000 years later, people of all races believe in him.
Despite Christ’s welcome and guaranteed love of all people, the
Bible cautions, “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living
God” (Hebrews 10:31).
What does such an ominous verse mean to people?
The writer of Hebrew’s elaborated by saying if people keep on sinning
after they receive the knowledge of truth, no sacrifice for sin is left; only
a fearful expectation of judgment (Hebrews 10:
The writer compared the Old Testament Jews rejection of the Law
of Moses to an individual who rejects the truth of Christ after they know
His argument was if Old Testament Jews who rejected the Law of
Moses died, then how much more will individuals who trample the Son of God
deserve punishment?
The latter individuals insult the Spirit of grace because they
show contempt for the blood of Christ who sanctifies them.
The Lord lives with his people, protects them, and loves
In addition, the Lord judges his people.
Reflection. In the battle where God marched in the
tops of the balsam trees, David counted on God rather than his army to protect
the people of the Rephiam Valley and Israel.
In a later story, we learn that David took a census of eligible
fighting men in Israel rather than trust God to protect the people (2
Samuel 24:10).
Do David’s actions have any parallels to our own life? Do
we believe that God will protect his people?
I love Bible plants along with their symbolism. If you want to
learn more about them, read my two books: 1) Rooted in God and 2) God as a
Gardener. You can purchase them from my website: Carolyn Roth Ministry
at http://www.CarolynRothMinistry.com/
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