Will Happen to America after the Rapture?

Tyndale House Publishers
As we have seen, when the
Rapture occurs, every single American who is a born-again believer in Jesus
Christ will suddenly disappear.

Think of how dramatically
life in the United States changed after we lost some three thousand Americans
on September 11, 2001.
Then the way we travel
The way we conduct
foreign policy changed.
Our economy changed.
Our government
institutions changed.
So many areas of life
changed that it is difficult to adequately categorize them, much less catalog

If you’re riding in a car
driven by a believer who suddenly disappears, that car very well could crash.
If you’re on a plane
flown by believers who suddenly disappear, that plane also could crash.
Highly valuable and
experienced military commanders and business leaders and medical professionals
will disappear, perhaps in the middle of critical projects or medical
The impact will be
Consider, too, the
emotional devastation for people who suddenly and irretrievably lose a spouse,
children, parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and other loved ones.

Consider the horror that
will be experienced by millions of people who long described themselves as
Christians but suddenly realize that they were not included in the Rapture,
people who realize that they never actually received for themselves the free
gift of forgiveness and salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
Consider how sickened
they will feel when they realize that despite having gone to church and perhaps
having occasionally read the Bible and done good works and been “religious” in
some way, they never really understood or accepted God’s simple plan of

Can such people fall on
their knees the minute after the Rapture and receive Christ’s free gift of
salvation for themselves?
Absolutely, and they
If they do, the Bible
teaches that their sins will be instantly forgiven and their souls saved
They can know without the
shadow of a doubt that they are going to heaven when they die and will spend
eternity with Christ Jesus, not in the lake of fire with no way of escape.
But as wonderful and real
and true as all that redemption will be, such people who receive Christ as
their Savior and Lord after the Rapture will also be struck by the daunting
realization that they and their remaining family members and friends and
neighbors will have to endure previously unimaginable suffering in a country
that will neither be nor seem like anything they have ever known, a country
that has neither the strength nor the will to oppose the Antichrist or the
persecution that is coming.
Imagine, too, the
economic implications of the Rapture.
If you think U.S. banks
have a foreclosure problem now as millions of Americans cannot afford to pay
their mortgages, imagine what will happen when millions of American homeowners
suddenly disappear, never to make another mortgage payment again.
What will happen when
millions of business owners are suddenly no longer around to pay their bills?
Or pay their employees?
Or continue delivering vital goods and services?
What will happen to the
federal government when millions of taxpayers are no longer providing Washington
much-needed revenues?
What will happen to state
What will happen when
nonprofit agencies and medical clinics and hospitals that care for the poor and
needy here in the United States and are run by and funded by believers suddenly
stop operating?
What will happen when
humanitarian relief organizations and adoption agencies and other charitable
organizations that are run by and funded by believers in Jesus Christ stand
Those who sneer at
Christianity and mock the do-gooders and the missionaries will suddenly realize
how much of a blessing believers actually have been in the U.S. and around the

They will stop returning
phone calls and e-mails.
They will stop paying
their bills and compensating their employees.
They will stop being a
force for good and hope in the world. They will simply be gone.
The foreign-policy
implications for the U.S. must also be considered.
such an immediate, enormous, and unprecedented shock to American society and
economy from the loss of millions of people, it is difficult to imagine how the
U.S. could remain a superpower.
could we quickly replace all our Christian intelligence and foreign-policy
officials who would suddenly be gone?
could we quickly replace all the officers and NCOs throughout the ranks of our
military who are born-again believers?
all the resulting chaos and dislocation caused by the Rapture, how could the
U.S. move rapidly and effectively to defend a threatened or invaded ally or
defend our vital interests around the world?
could we defend our own homeland?
in Carol Stream, Illinois, Tyndale House Publishers was founded in 1962
by Dr. Kenneth N. Taylor as
a means of publishing The
Living Bible. Tyndale publishes Christian fiction, nonfiction, children’s
books, and other resources, including Bibles in the New Living
Translation (NLT).
products include many New York Times best sellers, including the
popular Left Behind fiction
series by Tim
LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins,
novels by Francine
Rivers, Karen
Kingsbury and Joel C. Rosenberg,
plus numerous nonfiction works.
House Publishers is substantially owned by Tyndale House Foundation. As a
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