Nina Keegan
Are you one of
those people who has a barely-get-by mentality?
Are you always
waiting for the other shoe to drop?
I know many people
who just can't seem to get a break. Their mindset is this is as good as
it gets.
“For as he thinks
in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV)

Seeing your future
carved out from generations past can take permanent root in your soul and
become your way of life.
We are creatures of
habit; good ones and bad, and we learn what we live. We become products of our
If you have grown
up a certain way, perhaps doing without or in a very negative household,
chances are, you have learned those exact ways of limited and negative thinking
and have carried them straight into your adult life.
I once heard a
story about a lady who always made a beautiful ham for holiday dinners.
Before she placed
the ham in the oven to cook, she always cut off a piece at each end.
One day her young
daughter asked her why she always cuts off the ends of the ham?
The mother
responded saying this is how her own mother had always done it; so she cooks
her ham as her mother had taught her.
After the girl's
mom thought about it for a while, she decided to call her own mother to ask why
the ends of the ham needed to be cut off?
The response on the
other end of the phone was that of a chuckle followed by, "I always cut
the ham ends off because my pan was too small to fit the large ham."
speaking, how many of us simply cut the ends off the ham rather than just get a
larger pan?
A larger vision for
our lives?
Sometimes we don't
even question our realities.
We act like we have
no power to make changes, to venture out off the beaten path and tread upon
unchartered territory.
We become
complacent and comfortable with the status quo and never wander out past the
walls of our own set limitations.
We would rather
succeed at nothing than fail at something. We give up before we even think to
buy a bigger pan!
Jeremiah 1:5 says, "I
knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set
you apart ..." (NLT)
God chose
you. He formed you. He set you apart!
That means He
designed you and made you to His exact specifications. He made you in His image
with a great purpose and plan for your life.
We have Royal blood
flowing through our veins.
We are made in
God's own image, we are His descendants, His children.
God has made us all
for a divine purpose in which to glorify Him. He wants to bless us and prosper
us. He wants us to live in amazing victory.
We have authority
over any negativity in our lives. God's Word is truth for our lives.
See yourself as God
sees you.
Take off the chains
that bind you, that hold you back and whisper defeat.
The same old
thinking will always reap the same old results. Start seeing a new vision for
your lives and those lives you will influence in the future.
You can change the
paths of generations that follow just by declaring God's promises.
"Yet in all
these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Romans 8:38 NKJV)
Can God change your
God has made it
possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in
your own life. Discover how you can find peace with God. You
can also send us your prayer requests.
is a mother of two wonderful young men. She is a writer, blogger, and owns an
interior design business in Houston, Texas. To read more from the writer go
to www.godcake.blogspot.com
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