‘Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped
four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight.’ - Acts 27:29 (NIV).
In the midnight
hour, as they approached land, the sailors feared they would be dashed against
a rocky coast, so they dropped four anchors from the stern to halt the runaway
ship and prayed to their gods.
However, Paul alone
was praying to the One God who could do anything about their situation.
However, we don’t
do nothing in the midst of trouble either. There is always an action to take
just as there are always prayers to pray.
Faith and action
must be working together. We must do all that we can to fix the problem and
then trust God to do His part.
Paul commended the young Christians in Thessalonica for their ‘work
produced by faith’ (1 Thessalonians 1:3).
He told the church in Galatia, ‘the only thing that counts is
faith expressing itself through love’ (Galatians 5:6).
And Hebrews 11
offers a lengthy list of saints who combined their faith in God with loving
actions and deeds.
Be Greatly Blessed!
Heavenly Father, forgive me for taking control and leaving you
out of the issues that I face in life. Help me to do what I can and know that
as I commit situations to you, you will do what you will. Thank you.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
There is only one
response to the problems that confront us in this life: faith and action
working simultaneously as we do our best and wait for the best from God.
In our trouble
there is always a wise and gentle response awaiting from both ourselves and
from God.
It is tempting to
rush in a try to fix our problems completely forgetting that God is waiting to
respond also.
He sees the issue
at hand far more clearly than ourselves and knows the best solution.
We do what we can,
but He will do what He wills.
And it will always
be good.
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