Is what you are
experiencing spiritual warfare, or ‘just life?’
For many months I blithely walked
around my favourite local park, enjoying the gardens, the scenery, and my
time out, oblivious to any dangers that might be lurking in the shrubbery.

We are Kiwis living in
Australia. We don’t have snakes in New Zealand. We can walk in the bush in our
‘jandals’ without a care in the world.
On my next visit to the park, I
was on high alert.
Tense, and on edge, I watched the
path and was alerted by every rustle in the bush. There seemed to be an awful
lot of rustling! I did not enjoy the walk that day.
Sure enough, I soon settled down and
was back to taking pleasure in my walks.
However, I took some basic
precautions; not veering off the paths and ensuring that I had my mobile phone
with me if I was walking alone.
Balance in
Spiritual Warfare
In Luke 10:19-20, Jesus said,
“I have given you
authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of
the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits
submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
Like my response to snakes in
the park, there are two errors that we can fall into with regard to spiritual
One is to ignore it altogether (2 Corinthians 2:11) and at the other extreme, to make too much of it.
Balance requires us to always step
back and discern whether what we are experiencing is spiritual warfare, or just
something happening that is physical and emotional, or a combination of both.
Our goal in spiritual warfare
is not to draw or pay attention to what the devil is doing.
It is to focus on God and pay
attention to what HE is doing — and not put up with less than His best.
Here are some signs of a spiritual
battle taking place. Being alert to these can help you weigh up whether or not
a situation is being affected by spiritual warfare.
1. Changes for the worse (especially sudden or severe) in
areas of health, finances, relationships
Important note: When we are sick or
when bad things happen to us, it is not always the devil that causes it
· It may be just physical
· Sometimes it is just life
· Sometimes (e.g. financial or relationships) it is others’ or our own wrong choices.
· It may be just physical
· Sometimes it is just life
· Sometimes (e.g. financial or relationships) it is others’ or our own wrong choices.
2. Temptation to
sin — beyond the normal
Temptation originates with our own weakness and ungodly desires (James 1:13-15) but the enemy can use situations and people around us, to
apply extreme or sudden pressure on us in these areas.
3. Pattern of
recurring negative events
Note that this can also be indicative
of a curse in operation.
4. Atmosphere –
of pressure or oppression
In Romans 14:17, the Apostle Paul
tells us that the Kingdom of God consists of righteousness, peace and joy in
the Holy Spirit.
When we are robbed of these things,
we need to pay attention. What happened?
5. Severe
We need to particularly pay attention when the first signs of discouragement strike.
According to Rick Joyner, the
progressive ‘sting of witchcraft’ is: discouragement, confusion, depression, loss of vision,
disorientation, withdrawal and despair leading to defeat.
These are the signs we need to pay
attention to when on the alert for spiritual warfare in our personal lives and
One example of this in operation is
Elijah’s response after he was threatened by Jezebel. (1 Kings 19)
6. Crippling
The conviction of the Holy Spirit is
specific and brings conclusion through repentance, but condemnation is cloudy.
7. Intimidation
and Fear (I Can’t)
8. Confusion
The enemy thrives in confusion. We
think it’s us. Everything gets hazy.
Confusion is often an attack on our
minds, but it can also be apparent in relationships
where communication becomes distorted, perverted and misrepresented.
9. Anything that brings pressure to bear AGAINST God’s
revealed will for your life
10. Pressure (beyond the normal) on important relationships
11. Battle in the mind – negative ‘tapes’ playing
Our mind (and that of others) becomes
a central battleground (2 Corinthians
10:5), where the enemy tries to sow messages that are contrary to the word God has
spoken to us or revealed in the Bible underscoring feelings
such as failure, fear, condemnation, hurt, or even attack and accusation of
12. Distinct
start time,
With spiritual warfare, there is
usually a distinctive time of onset.
If you have an ongoing history in one
of the above areas, e.g. fear, relational or sin issues, it is probably
not warfare. It may be personal ‘baggage’ that you need to deal with.
The Battle Won
“And having
disarmed the powers and authorities, [Christ] made a public spectacle of them,
triumphing over them by the cross.” (Colossians 2:15)
In the next blog post I will begin
exploring some ways to deal with spiritual warfare once you
have discerned it taking place in your personal life, church or ministry.
Snakes Alive!
My first real-life encounter with a
snake came later, in another park. My husband Malcolm (aka The Hunk) and I were
exploring a trail when we came across a poisonous brown snake barring the way
to our destination.
My intrepid husband crept
closer to the snake doing his best Steve Irwin impression (‘Crikey! Isn’t it a
I, on the other hand, dug my heels in
and refused to progress any further, even when the snake veered off into the
What if it was there again when we
It seems that some things never
[1] Rick Joyner, The Surpassing Greatness Of His Power,
1996, Whitaker House:New Kensington
Spiritual Warfare Online Course
I have just launched first new online course, ‘Spiritual Warfare 101:
How to Identify and Overcome Spiritual Attack’ and I warmly invite you to join me!
This course includes around 30 mini lectures on video, and is full
of Biblical wisdom and strategies to help you overcome in time of battle. There
is also a downloadable full transcript in PDF version.
And once you’re in, there is no expiry date.
The Bible has great news. If you have discerned signs of spiritual
warfare, you do not have to be weighed down by spiritual oppression or put up
with pressure and attack! Find out more about
the course, ‘Spiritual Warfare 101:
How to Identify and Overcome Spiritual Attack’ here.
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