Does the Bible Predict a
Nuclear War in the End Times?

Ed Hindson
Bible has a great deal to say about what is going to happen in the future.
one of its most amazing, stunning, and awesome prophecies contains predictions
that sound like NUCLEAR WAR.

is only a matter of time until some tyrant will obtain a bomb and the means to
deliver it and be willing to detonate it.
happened in Hiroshima during World War II is only a microcosm of what will take
place in the future.
addition, enough nuclear weapons now exist to destroy the entire planet several
times over.
we look at the Bible and its predictions about the future, one in particular
refers to the possibility of the world being destroyed by fire.
apostle Peter says the flood destroyed the ancient world in the days of Noah.
then he tells us the world of the future will be destroyed by fire:
“But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the
same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and
perdition of ungodly men” - (2 Peter 3:7).

is the desire of the heart of God.
for those who do not come to repentance, who do not come to surrender their
lives to the Lord, judgment will come.
Verse 10 says, “But the day of the Lord will come
as a thief in the night.”
phrase the day of the Lord refers to the Battle of Armageddon, the time of the
end, the final future judgment.
The rest of verse 10 reads, “The heavens shall pass
away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the
earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
judgment of God could come in cosmic fashion.
could come as a result of human war.
could come as a direct divine judgment from God Himself.
But as Peter describes this, he seems to be saying, “The
world is at war, and that war is the judgment of God.”
will withdraw His hand of protection and allow all hell to break loose on the
earth as a judgment against the ungodliness of men.
the light of all of this, Peter goes on to say that we look forward to a new
heaven and a new earth (2 Peter 3:11-12).
He is not saying, “Let’s just hurry up and blow up
the world.”
would hope for a window of grace, for God to extend time for people to come to
repentance and to faith.
is the intent of the passage.
Read more in 15 Future Events
That Will Shake the World by Ed Hindson
Ed Hindson, Dean of the School of Divinity and Distinguished
Professor of Religion at Liberty University in Virginia, is the speaker
on The King Is Coming telecast and the author and general editor of
40 books. He holds a DMin from Westminster Theological Seminary and PhD from
University of South Africa.

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