water up a tree ten stories high from the roots to the leaves is no easy feat.
How is this accomplished?
answer lies in tiny, specially designed vessels called xylem — plus a
combination of other factors.
are getting closer to mimicking this amazing vertical passage of water for the
purpose of future large-scale desalination and sewage treatment.
Evolutionists give credit to the trees themselves for
their amazing process of water transport, saying that the trees have mastered
this for “hundreds of millions of years.”
studies have shown just how sophisticated this unbroken vertical column of water
is, continuously moving as much as 100 meters in a California redwood tree.
is the loss of water vapor through specialized openings called stomata on the
underside of the leaves.
20% of the water taken up by the roots is released to the air as water vapor.
physical pulling action is also due to a unique chemical attachment between water
molecules called hydrogen bonding.
water molecules stick together forming a transpiration stream, also called the
cohesion-tension theory.
produces an unusually stable column of constantly moving water.
the design in trees’ water-conduction system hasn’t been easy.
Is it any wonder the article stated, “Efficiently
moving water upward against gravity is a major feat of human engineering” and
“Recreating an efficient tree-like water transport system has been
transport in plants is amazing in its complexity.
the Creator’s design takes funding, planning, and brilliant researchers — not
time and chance.
*Mr. Sherwin is Research
Associate at the Institute for Creation Research. He earned his master’s degree
in zoology from the University of Northern Colorado.
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Research (ICR) wants people to know
that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about—from how and why
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