Adam Thompson
the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secret unto His servants the
prophets.” — Amos 3:7 AKJV
As well
as being received through the normal channels of revelation, such as the
written word and dreams and visions, these are also often communicated to those
with “ears to hear” on the world stage through what Jesus called “the
signs of the times” (Matthew 16:3).
God’s people must open their
ears and eyes to His voice in these everyday prophetic incidents and natural
events so that we may know His purposes and can take action in accordance with
what He is doing.
God is
still committed to His people being “the head, and not the tail” (Deuteronomy
28:13) and He is ever-prepared to lead those who meditatively consider
His word (however it comes) into prosperity and success (see
Joshua 1:8).
There are so many experiences
and circumstances that we are involved in each day that we naturally write off
as being normal, but God’s voice may be embedded within those experiences.
In the life of the believer,
there needs to be a fine balance for hearing the rhema voice
of God that imparts faith and the need for applying the logos
— the written Word of God — to one’s daily life.
God often speaks through signs
and symbols, through numbers and names, and through natural means that reveal
larger spiritual principles and applications, thus drawing us into greater
intimacy with Him.
It is imperative not to seek
out omens and “force” the voice of God.
Thus, it is crucial to learn
how to recognize when these supernatural phenomena keep coming up in our daily
lives and how to attune our hearts and minds to hear what God may be saying.
For example, we don’t try to
search for specific numbers and see what God may be saying to us; rather, as we
go about our day-to-day business, God will often speak through certain
situations, circumstances, and even numbers.
Our walk with God goes deeper
than just listening to His voice. We are called to be intimate with God.
Understanding the multifaceted
ways God speaks is not just about hearing His voice as much as it is about
developing a personal relationship and greater intimacy with Him.
People can have a prophetic
gift and understand mysteries, but without intimacy those revelations will lack
true fruit and will not be sustained for any length of time.
Furthermore, spiritual insight
doesn’t come to impart more knowledge to us; it comes to be applied to our
Often believers will question
whether God still speaks to us in this day and age.
When this question arises, they
are often referring to the audible voice of God.
We are not cookie-cutter
Christians; we are unique beings, and therefore God will speak to us in ways that
are unique to our spiritual makeup.
God does not speak the same way
to each of us.
Sometimes His words come as a
natural incident or event that is a revelation to you.
This is not an invitation for
us to go looking for omens, but if something is a little freaky, jumps out at
you, or is regularly repeated, then take the time to get God’s perspective on
it by looking at it through the lens of Scripture.
A number of years ago, I was
battling mentally with some health issues.
I was experiencing chest pains,
I could hear the pulse of my heart in my head when I lay down at night, and the
enemy was in my ear about my physical health and the prospect of death.
There were times when I would
get up at night and study and meditate in the Scriptures for hours because I
couldn’t sleep.
So that you can appreciate the
gravity of the situation, this incident led me to adjust and finalize my last
will and testament at that time.
However, it was no coincidence
that this attack came just days before a scheduled period of extended ministry
both interstate and overseas.
On the
second day, I had gone out into the bush and was sitting in a camp chair
reading my Bible when I came across the following verse: “He that finds his
life will lose it: and he that loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew
The second part of the verse
jumped out of the page at me and caused me to make a resolution.
I said,
“I don’t care if I die, and if I die, I’m going to do it preaching
the Gospel!”
Above me the sky was a mixture
of moving clouds and open sky, when almost on cue, a massive cloud in the shape
of a dragon came into center screen.
There was no one around me, so I repeated over and over what I had resolved, but now making it a loud verbal declaration.
As I did so, the dragon broke
up and its components dissipated, and then immediately a cloud in the shape of
a man on a cross slid into its place.
As a reasonably sane and
intelligent person, I have not told this story openly in many churches, but
believe it or not, that’s what happened.
As the Master Artist, God
sculpted and spoke through the clouds in my world that day to confirm His word
and strengthen my spirit.
As a side note, I have found
that whenever you are about to step into the Kingdom — bringing Heaven to earth
by engaging in a God-given assignment with its associated provision and
authority — the enemy mounts pressure against you.
If what you carry is in your
heart and not merely in your head, and you hold on to it, it is the enemy that
Some believers can bemoan that
God does not communicate with them, but as we have read, God is always talking
to us.
The beauty of the ways God
communicates with us is that they are tailored to our unique design and the
level of intimacy we have with Him.
God’s Words are purposeful;
they are used for correction, for guidance, to bring hope, and to draw us ever
closer into His loving arms.
God can speak to us through His
written word, and as we meditate upon the Scriptures, He will bring forth His rhema word
that will speak to our heart.
God can bring revelation
through dreams, visions, and expressions, and sometimes God will use the
natural world to express His rhema word; this
can be through natural events, signs, symbols, and recurring numbers.
does indeed speak to us. This is confirmed in Hebrews 1:1-2: “God, who at
various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the
prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed
heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds” (NKJV).
And as
mentioned in John 10:27, you too can hear the voice of God: “My sheep hear
My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in words of knowledge and
demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and manifestations regularly
accompany his ministry as he desires to see Jesus "magnified" through
the moving of the Holy Spirit. He has ministered extensively in USA, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, Africa, Indonesia,
Papua New Guinea, Malaysia and the Philippines in crusades, feeding programs
and pastor's conferences. Adam has also been instrumental in planting Field Of
Dreams Church in South Australia.
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