Bowale Abrahams
“For unto us was the gospel preached, as well
as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with
faith in them that heard it” - (Hebrews 4:2)
word of God bears the divine power to deliver His counsel and will to
its hearers, the inherent gospel wrapped in His word however must be
responded to with a force; the force of faith.
potentiality of the word of power is quickly rejected when it’s not
received in faith.
The ministry of the word transcends a thirst for a
Christian bible knowledge, a mere education of the human spirit or mere
acquaintance with a holy writ.
is preached to be a prevailing truth, received with the spirit of faith.
profiting of the word of faith is exclusively in the premise of the faith
of its hearer.
many often become a victim of hearing the word of faith without the right
was the case of the Israelites who, though were gracefully redeemed from
the iron hand of Pharaoh, but now left to sojourn the wilderness in faith.
front of them was the promised land.
their ears was a daily hearing of God’s word, but the promise became much
farther and many died, because it was not mixed with faith.
great testimony of God’s word is received by faith.
this is not the case with many. Like the Israelites, they respond with
complaints and fear.
“When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time
in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?
“The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the
water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another
steppeth down before me” - (John 5:6-7)
you see that? Though he had been impotent for thirty-eight years, his
response to the Master was not in faith.
is the case of many out there.
response to the word is not faith; they cry, they wail, thinking these
things are substitutes to faith.
until faith and faith alone becomes the backbone of our response to
God, we have not given God the access to our desires.
the Israelites, many respond with their wilderness struggles, not their
heart of faith.
is the posture of the testimony we desire.
Let your confident assurance be the backbone of your
response to the word of faith, take God by His word and believe for the
glory wrapped in it to be yours.
a doer of the word, do as it commands.
the extent of your pain and the impact of your loneliness.
with faith by confession, meditation and giving glory to God about His
word to you.
is what it means to respond to with faith. I expect you to win.
Rhema for you: We respond best to God’s
word when we respond in faith.
this bold Confession: My
heart is full of faith, I receive the words of God in faith, the spirit of
faith is at work in my heart. I refuse to let my pains and
struggles override my faith. I lay hold on God’s best for me daily and I
receive the manifestation of my confession, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Incense Reference: Hebrews
Rhema Incense
Yearly Bible reading plan:
Numbers 35-36
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