Signs of the times
Joseph Candel
The Countdown site
analysts and respected economists warn that a devastating worldwide economic
crash is coming.
not specifically predicted in the Bible, such an event is in line with key
prophecies regarding the Endtimes and would almost certainly hasten their
fulfillment-particularly the rise of the world government, and its eventual
leader the Antichrist and the implementation of his universal economic system,
the mark of the Beast (“666”) during the last 3-1/2 years of his seven year
reign. (Daniel 9:27; 11:31; Matthew 24:15,
21; Revelation 13:5-7; 16-18)
economies are built largely on faith.
have faith in their currencies, but it is misplaced faith. They don’t realize
that their currencies are not backed by any substantial amount of physical
assets, such as gold or silver, and are issued by governments that are often
deep in debt.
this era of Internet trading and globally linked economies and stock markets, a
sudden and drastic downturn in one major financial market could create a
worldwide panic that would send the global economy tumbling down like a house
of cards.
one possible scenario, if the American economy were to fail because of some
international crisis like a major war in the Middle East that could stop the
flow of oil, or the U.S.A Dollar ceases to be the Petro Dollar.
in 1973/74, the U.S.A. Dollar under Henry Kissinger’s negotiations became the
world’s Petro Dollar that meant that all oil transactions needed to be done in
U.S. Dollars.
every country, who imports oil, needs U.S. Dollars to buy oil from exporting
foreign countries forcing many nations to hold large amounts of U.S dollars.
a result of this deal the U.S. Dollar has remained the world’s reserve
currency, even though the U.S.A has an enormous financial debt of over 17
Trillion Dollars.
this is about to change as the new BRICS Nations ( Brazil, Russia, India,
China, & South Africa), are setting up their own currencies for trading of
goods & services & this also includes not using the petro dollar for the
sale of oil.
rest of the world could rapidly lose faith in the U.S. dollar.
dollar and other dollar-based currencies and international stocks would lose
much of their value and, as a result, banks and financial markets worldwide
would likely fail.
an economic crash would most also likely lead to widespread political and civil
major factor is the international debt crisis.
every nation in the world has been enticed by powerful international
financiers, working through the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), to take out huge loans that make it impossible for them to ever pay off
their debts.
do you suppose the World Bank, the IMF, or anyone else would give out billions
in loans that they know can never be repaid?
when nations fall into bankruptcy and default on their loans, the lenders gain
control of their economies.
As the Bible says, “The borrower is servant to the
lender” (Proverbs 22:7).
the real reason the international financiers loaned those countries the money
in the first place, to gain control!
World Bank and IMF are now dictating the economic and other internal policies
of these nations-their governments, their industries, their banks, virtually
are running these governments by proxy through financial pressure.
world’s present economic woes are not accidental or merely the result of “basic
market forces at work,” as we so often hear in the news.
manipulation of the world’s money-cleverly choreographed crashes followed by
temporary rebounds and more severe crashes-more and more of the world’s money
is making its way into the hands of a few, while more nations are being pushed
toward bankruptcy and forced to surrender control of their economies in return
for foreign loans.
time goes on and the situation worsens, there will be even more economic instability
in the money markets of the world and unprecedented ups and downs in the major
that happens, people are going to look for a savior.
Paul Henri Spaak, first president of the General
Assembly of the United Nations, once said, “What we want is a man of
sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lift us out of
the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and whether he
be God or devil, we will receive him.” [footnote:
Cartledge, D. n.d. Eschatology. Rhema Bible College, Townsville.]
that’s exactly what the world is going to do!
people of the world will look for a financial superman to bring stability and
prosperity, and when the Antichrist comes on the world scene and appears to do
just that, they will hail him as a hero and welcome his rule and new economic
will “rescue” them from the economic ruin he led them into, and his plan will
have succeeded-for a time.
time to get ready for these soon-coming events is now, and the best place to
start is by receiving Jesus as your Savior, if you haven’t already.
learn to stay connected to Jesus in prayer so He can guide you and provide for
you in the troublous times to come.
what the Bible has to say about the coming Antichrist world dictatorship and
other Endtimes events so you won’t be caught by surprise when they happen, or
duped into following the Antichrist.
be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Jesus has promised, “Peace I leave with you, My
peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your
heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. … I have told you before it comes,
that when it does come to pass, you may believe” (John 14:27,29).
The Countdown site is devoted to exploring the mysteries of Bible
prophecies about the “last days” which presage the end of this world as we know
it, and to keeping
a watchful eye on the “signs of the times” that the Bible indicates
will foreshadow these events.
Countdown features news
articles, blog posts, and editorials that address current events, trends,
culture, and technological advances, in light of biblical prophecy.
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