Monday, January 6, 2020

GOD’S CHOSEN LEADERS - God can choose anyone to lead his people, young or old, man or woman. Yet often our prejudices and assumptions about leadership roles can get in the way of those God has chosen to lead us. Deborah had the respect of her people as she ministered in her leadership role. She proved herself capable and was blessed by God as He gave her success over the enemy. Those whom God appoints as our leaders, need to be given the encouragement and honor that they deserve in the position of responsibility that they undertake. Leaders may be men or women of any age, with varied degrees of education, social standing or influence. Consider the leaders that God chose: David, an uneducated shepherd, Esther, a beautiful, but unknown Jewish girl, Timothy, a young man, Peter, an impetuous, outspoken fisherman, and Nehemiah, servant to the king. Unlikely leaders are no obstacle to God, nor should we become obstacles that hinder the work God has called them to do.

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God’s Chosen Leaders

“Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time.” Judges 4:4 (NIV).
In a time when most leaders were men, Deborah was not only a mother and wife, but arose as an exceptional leader.
God chose her for this position as she was the best person for the job, though she was a woman.
As a leader, she was responsible for leading the people into battle and as a prophetess, Deborah’s role was to encourage the people to obey God.
God can choose anyone to lead his people, young or old, man or woman.
Yet often our prejudices and assumptions about leadership roles can get in the way of those God has chosen to lead us.
Deborah had the respect of her people as she ministered in her leadership role. She proved herself capable and was blessed by God as He gave her success over the enemy.
Those whom God appoints as our leaders, need to be given the encouragement and honor that they deserve in the position of responsibility that they undertake.
It is not always easy to be enthusiastic about leaders that we believe don’t ‘fit the mold’.
Yet, God shows time and time again through Scripture that there is no ‘right mold’.
Leaders may be men or women of any age, with varied degrees of education, social standing or influence.
Consider the leaders that God chose: David, an uneducated shepherd, Esther, a beautiful, but unknown Jewish girl, Timothy, a young man, Peter, an impetuous, outspoken fisherman, and Nehemiah, servant to the king.
Unlikely leaders are no obstacle to God, nor should we become obstacles that hinder the work God has called them to do.
‘Dear Father, thank you for the example of Deborah and others you chose to do the work of leading your people. Forgive me for the times I have not supported those you’ve chosen, but rather hindered their work. Help me to stand with them and offer the encouragement they need.’
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Final Thoughts:
Are we amongst God-appointed leaders that are not quite what we would expect?
Perhaps it is time to be a help rather than a hindrance to their work.
Let’s begin to pray for them daily, support them in their calling and open our minds to the different types of people that God may call upon to lead us.
Be Greatly Blessed!

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