Friday, June 5, 2020

TODAY’S CHOICE: WORSHIP OR WHINE? - Let’s be creative with the hours God has redefined in our days - let’s awaken the dawn with our praise and redeem every minute for God’s glory! Let’s look Upward to our good God and Outward to others. May God give us the maturity to give thanks in good times and bad - these times should make us more conscious of God’s daily blessings that we so often miss or take for granted in the rush of life - Every day is a precious gift. We hear that statement so often. But do we really believe it? Each new morning, we rise to a new day with God-given time to bless our Creator and be a blessing to His creation. Time truly is the greatest gift of all. Without it, all other gifts are useless! Usually we wish we had more time in a day, but now that we are mostly confined at home, we seem to have too much time on our hands. What has changed? Certainly not the number of hours in a day. Rather, our normal routine has changed. God has redefined our days, and now we must choose our response. Are we going to whine about what God has done or are we going to worship our good God and trust His plan? I used to spend so much time driving and often complained that I wished I was home more. God has given me that time back. What will I do with it? Will I use it productively, looking Upward and Outward, or will I dwell on those places I cannot go and those things I cannot do?

Praise and Worship Just Between UsToday’s Choice: Worship or Whine?
Why Do We Love Whining So Much?Let’s be creative with the hours God has redefined in our days - let’s awaken the dawn with our praise and redeem every minute for God’s glory! Let’s look Upward to our good God and Outward to others. May God give us the maturity to give thanks in good times and bad - these times should make us more conscious of God’s daily blessings that we so often miss or take for granted in the rush of life

Every day is a precious gift. We hear that statement so often.
But do we really believe it?
Each new morning, we rise to a new day with God-given time to bless our Creator and be a blessing to His creation.
Time truly is the greatest gift of all. Without it, all other gifts are useless!
Usually we wish we had more time in a day, but now that we are mostly confined at home, we seem to have too much time on our hands.
What has changed? Certainly not the number of hours in a day.
Rather, our normal routine has changed.
God has redefined our days, and now we must choose our response.
Are we going to whine about what God has done or are we going to worship our good God and trust His plan?
I used to spend so much time driving and often complained that I wished I was home more.
Now I am quarantined at home!
God has given me that time back. What will I do with it?
Will I use it productively, looking Upward and Outward, or will I dwell on those places I cannot go and those things I cannot do?
Battling terminal cancer, I’m often told that I’m on cancer’s time clock.
But my reply to my oncologist is this: Cancer has not changed the time God has given me on this earth.
It has just changed my journey! Well, the same can be said of COVID-19.
Although, for most of us, this virus has given us more time to spend on what is of greatest importance: home and family.
COVID-19 has changed our days, but we get to choose what those days will look like!
Let’s awaken the dawn with our praise and redeem every minute for God’s glory! Let’s look Upward to our good God and Outward to others.
Let’s be creative as we encourage family and friends — front porch surprises, drive by visits, scavenger yard hunts, Brady Bunch-style video-chat parties, teddy bear sightings, sidewalk chalk messages.
The limit is our imagination!
Spirit Alive Praise And Worship: Don't Whine; Win!!!!! 09/16 by ...May God give us the maturity to give thanks in good times and bad. Instead of complaining during these often trying days, may we consider God’s purposes and give thanks!
These times should make us more conscious of God’s daily blessings that we so often miss or take for granted in the rush of life.
We should be careful to thank Him for every good thing He has bestowed on our lives and choose to wrap our days in joy as we ask God to establish the work of our hands for His glory.
Psalm 90:12 — “So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:14 — “Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy that we may rejoice and be glad all our days!”
Psalm 90:17 — “And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands, and establish the work of our hands for us.”

*Patti Morse is a volunteer at the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History.
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) wants people to know that God’s Word can be trusted in everything it speaks about—from how and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God and receive all He has planned for us.
After 50 years of ministry, ICR remains a leader in scientific research within the context of biblical creation. Founded by Dr. Henry Morris in 1970, ICR exists to conduct scientific research within the realms of origins and Earth history, and then to educate the public both formally and informally through professional training programs, through conferences and seminars around the country, and through books, magazines, and media presentations.
Prepare for a Fresh Anointing - Enewsletter - Benny Hinn Ministries

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