Wednesday, October 16, 2019

THOUGH YOUR SINS BE AS SCARLET - Fanny Jane Crosby - William Howard Doane - "Tho' your sins be as scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; "Tho' your sins be as scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Tho' they be red like crimson, They shall be as wool!" "Tho' your sins be as scarlet, Tho' your sins be as scarlet, They shall be as white as snow, They shall be as white as snow!" Hear the voice that entreats you, O return ye unto God! Hear the voice that entreats you, O return ye unto God! He is of great compassion, And of wondrous love; Hear the voice that entreats you, Hear the voice that entreats you, O return ye unto God! O return ye unto God! He'll forgive your transgressions, And remember them no more; He'll forgive your transgressions, And remember them no more; "Look unto Me, ye people," Saith the Lord your God! He'll forgive your transgressions, He'll forgive your transgressions, And remember them no more, And remember them no more. O return ye unto God! He is of great compassion, And of wondrous love; Hear the voice that entreats you, Hear the voice that entreats you, O return ye unto God! O return ye unto God! He'll forgive your transgressions, And remember them no more; He'll forgive your transgressions, And remember them no more; "Look unto Me, ye people," Saith the Lord your God! He'll forgive your transgressions, He'll forgive your transgressions, And remember them no more, And remember them no more.

isaiah 1-18 - City Bible Church - Sault Ste Marie
Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ: Though your sins be as scarlet ...Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet
Lyrics   :   Fanny Jane Crosby 
Music   :   William Howard Doane

1  "Tho' your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
"Tho' your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Tho' they be red like crimson,
They shall be as wool!"
"Tho' your sins be as scarlet,
Tho' your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow,
They shall be as white as snow!"

2  Hear the voice that entreats you,
O return ye unto God!
Hear the voice that entreats you,
O return ye unto God!
He is of great compassion,
And of wondrous love;
Hear the voice that entreats you,
Hear the voice that entreats you,
O return ye unto God!
O return ye unto God!

3  He'll forgive your transgressions,
And remember them no more;
He'll forgive your transgressions,
And remember them no more;
"Look unto Me, ye people,"
Saith the Lord your God!
He'll forgive your transgressions,
He'll forgive your transgressions,
And remember them no more,
And remember them no more.
Bible Baptist Church of Leola | Media

Fanny Crosby was probably the most prolific hymnist in history. Though blinded by an incompetent doctor at six weeks of age, she wrote over 8,000 hymns. About her blindness, she said:
It seemed intended by the blessed providence of God that I should be blind all my life, and I thank him for the dispensation. If perfect earthly sight were offered me tomorrow I would not ac­­cept it. I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me.
In her lifetime, Fanny Crosby was one of the best known women in the United States. To this day, the vast majority of American hymnals contain her work.
When she died, her tombstone carried the words, “Aunt Fanny” and “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine.” Eliza Hewitt memorialized Fanny’s passing in a poem:
Away to the country of sunshine and song,
Our songbird has taken her flight,
And she who has sung in the darkness so long
Now sings in the beautiful light.
Isaiah 1:18 | The Name of the LORD is a Strong Tower
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