A new day will dawn
by The
Soaring Eagle
“Now if we are children, then we are heirs
– heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ”
(Romans 8:17)
– heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ”
(Romans 8:17)
The glorious truth about our salvation is that we do not become ‘poor relations’ in our new identity as the sons and daughters of God.
The glorious truth about our salvation is that we do not become ‘poor relations’ in our new identity as the sons and daughters of God.
We become His heirs – in fact
co-heirs with His great Son, the Lord Jesus.
This is beautifully illustrated
by Jesus Himself in the account of the Prodigal Son.
When the son returns to the
Father in the rags of failure and rejection the Father calls for him to be re-clothed
in the ‘best robe’.
That would be the Father’s own
most special robe that He was giving to His son. It would also be a sign to
everyone around that he had been completely accepted and restored.
Our inheritance will be to
participate in and enjoy fully everything that belongs to the Father – all that
He has and all that He will have, all that He has created and all that He will
create, and all that is being prepared for us.
§ “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would
have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2)
§ “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God
has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
We do not know the detail and
extent of it all – we do know however that it will be a place and time of
wonderful completeness, unending joy, perfect peace and glorious love.
And we will forever be an
integral part of all that the Father is doing.
No matter what our experiences
in this life – the joys and pain, the successes and failures, the acceptance
and rejection, the moral heights and the sin-obsessed depths, the laughter and
the desolation – one thing is certain.
As the children of God we have
a glorious inheritance in Jesus Christ – and it begins right now as we accept and
lay hold of the wonder of our new relationship with the Lord.
For many it has been, and will
be, the great truth onto which they hold in the darkness.
Where we will be is better than where we are. The way we will be is better than the way we are.
Where we will be is better than where we are. The way we will be is better than the way we are.
thank you so much for Your great love that reaches down for us into the darkest
depths – so that You can raise us to You in the highest heights. I hold on to
You Lord. Amen.
May God open His Word to us
and us to His Word, so that it may achieve His purpose in and through us!

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