Monday, October 14, 2019

PREPARING FOR HARD TIMES - Man is messing with things best left to God and the results are catastrophic already in many parts of the world. Anyone who follows current events is aware of many of them, but there are others we don’t even know about. The Lord tells us we are not to fear. We are to be prepared but not live in fear. Begin to take charge of your own health rather than depending on the medical profession. Many illnesses we Americans suffer are the result of poor diet and lack of discipline. God wants to bless his people with good health, but we have our part to do. When God tells us to do something, he enables us if we are willing to make sacrifices in order to obey him. If we allow our society to dictate to us what sin is, we may think we are really pure when in actuality we are great sinners in the eyes of God. When all hell breaks out in America, and it certainly will, there will be no place to go. The only place we can go is into the kingdom of God. Only a close relationship with Jesus and a wholehearted pursuit of him and his righteousness will keep us through this difficult time.

Preparing for Hard Times

“Riches won’t help on the day of judgment, but right living is a safeguard against death.” (Proverbs 11:4, NLT)

I often see those television commercials to buy gold, and I think how so many of us don’t have the resources to do so.
However, I have never heard God say to us personally that we need to buy gold. Actually, I don’t think gold will be helpful when things fall apart.
The Bible says:
“They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.” Ezekiel 7:19  
It is the true riches that will save us, and those riches are found in Jesus Christ.
Our greatest security for what is even now unfolding before us is a close relationship with God. He will lead us in what we need to do to find his provision for our lives.
I believe the judgment of God is upon us. It is no longer some nebulous future event that we’re not quite sure about.
Those who have eyes to see can discern with every news report, whether true or fabricated, that we are in deep trouble and life in America will never be the same.
When a society chooses to reject God and his ways, there are no solutions to their problems. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
I love my country and I’ve been greatly blessed to live here, but I’m tired of the blatant sin that abounds on all sides. I’m tired of the trashy television programs and the total lack of regard for God and his ways.
We as a nation have rejected God and now, we are going to “eat the bitter fruit of going our own way.”
The last half of this verse in Proverbs 1 states, “They must experience the full terror of the path they have chosen,” (Proverbs 1:31b).
Food Shortages Loom
We’ve hardly seen the sun at all this year in western New York. Almost everyone who is serious about their health takes vitamin D because we certainly can’t get it from the sun.
It snowed almost every day all winter and we’ve had so few days without rain this spring that one could count them on one hand. If it’s not raining, it is cloudy.
Sometimes the sun peeks out for a few minutes. When it does, I run out of the house and look up at the sky just to feel some of those warm rays for a few brief minutes.
We check the ten-day forecast on every morning. Once in awhile they show a long string of sunny days ahead, but it never materializes. The next time you check, there is nothing but rain in the forecast.
Farmers have not been able to plow their fields. We live on a wooded hillside surrounded by farmland. There are many unplowed fields all around.
Usually by this time of year, most of the planting is done, but now many fields aren’t even plowed much less planted.
I talked to the farmer whose land adjoins ours just this morning. He said that a friend of his has only planted 89 acres and has another 700 to go.
This is the last day of May in NY, a state where frost can come early, but it is still too wet to plough. He also said he can’t harvest his hay because his equipment will get stuck in the mud.
The longer the hay remains in the field, the more useless it becomes because the protein content diminishes as it ages. If he has to wait much longer, he’ll just have to plow it under.
Many people see the seriousness of what is going on now.
Not only have farmers been unable to plant in many agricultural communities because of the rain, but also massive areas of farmland have been flooded because of the Mississippi River, and other rivers, overflowing their banks.
Weather has been strange all over. In America drought in some areas, flooding in others and the record-breaking tornados have destroyed many crops including corn, soy, wheat and rice.
The only state with prospects of a good corn crop is Iowa, and our president has mandated that 40% of that go for ethanol.
A quick search Online will reveal that America has practically no grain reserves or stores of food of any kind for its people.
And if this weren’t enough, do a search and watch the video The Future of Food about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their effect on crops the world over.
Man is messing with things best left to God and the results are catastrophic already in many parts of the world.
I have used food as an example of one problem we are facing even now as food prices go up and crop yields go down.
However, there are myriad more problems facing our nation that are too numerous to list here. Anyone who follows current events is aware of many of them, but there are others we don’t even know about.
The Lord tells us we are not to fear. We are to be prepared but not live in fear.
The Word makes it clear that God will provide food for his people. “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread” (Psalm 37:25).
I’d like to share here a few specific things God has told us to do to be prepared for what is looming before us.
He has NOT told my husband and me to stock up on food, but he has told some others to do so.
Many people do not have the financial means to store up supplies or the space in which to put them.
God has told us to find sources of food outside of the local grocery store. Find someone who has chickens and buy eggs from them. 
Buy your vegetables and fruits from local farmers if at all possible… the same for meat. Avoid processed foods and GMOs.
Develop relationships in the local church where people can share food resources and help each other. Can and freeze food if you are able.
Begin to take charge of your own health rather than depending on the medical profession.
Many illnesses we Americans suffer are the result of poor diet and lack of discipline. God wants to bless his people with good health, but we have our part to do.
God cannot bless our bodies with good health if we are succumbing to greed and lust when it comes to our diet. We need to pray and ask God to direct and help us with our food choices. He will definitely answer this kind of prayer.
Sometimes we Christians are slow to hear God in this way because we expect God to just give us what we want miraculously. We often don’t realize that God wants something from us first.
The story of Hannah in 1 Samuel is a good example of this. She prayed year after year for a son but she remained barren. Her husband’s other wife, Peninnah, had many children.
Peninnah taunted Hannah because she had no children. It seemed that God did not hear Hannah’s prayer.
Finally, one day when Hannah prayed, she told God that if he would give her a son, she would give that son back to him. That was what God had been waiting to hear.
That year Hannah conceived and gave birth to Samuel. She did as she had promised God by giving Samuel to him.
God then gave her five more children. God had wanted to bless Hannah all along but he was waiting for her to do something first.
Last winter I began to pray daily about health. I wasn’t actually sick but wanted to be free of some things that had bothered me since childhood.
I memorized as many healing scriptures as I could find and prayed them every day. I was expecting a miracle.
What happened was not what I expected, but it was still miraculous. God began to speak to me about obedience.
He reminded me that there were some things he had told me to do that I had been lax about… things like exercise everyday and don’t eat sugar.
I began to do these things faithfully. Then God said, “Don’t eat any grains.”
This was difficult to understand, but as I did research, I learned that grains turn to sugar in our bodies after we eat them.
When I say grains, I mean all grains… wheat, corn, rice, oats, rye, etc. These are foods I had always thought were healthy.
However, the more I researched, the more I learned that not only do these foods turn to sugar in our systems but many of them are genetically modified.
Grains today are not the same as grains were in biblical times.
Many of the diseases that Americans suffer and die from have the root cause of sugar and grains.
Many cancers, heart disease, diabetes, some allergies, and a host of other sicknesses are caused by eating sugar. You can do a search on this and find myriad sites about it.
I had to read labels and throw out a lot of food. Processed foods are the worst. The result was a more organized kitchen and more space to put other things.
Not only that, God began to do a great work of healing in my body and also my husband’s. It seemed impossible to give up these foods, but God has given us many other food choices and we find we don’t miss our old way of eating at all.
A lot of this has to do with habit and eating what is readily accessible that requires little preparation… like potato chips, cookies, ices cream, fast food, etc.
Obeying God in this has taken real discipline, but when God tells us to do something, he enables us if we are willing to make sacrifices in order to obey him.
My husband and I have found that we don’t miss the bread and pasta we thought we couldn’t live without.
I cook with coconut flour and almond flour. The pounds have melted off us and our bellies have become flat. We have found the Online newsletters from Dr. Mercola to be of great benefit. For example, after God said go off grains, Dr. Mercola sent out a newsletter about why we need to stop eating grains.
The Lord is stressing discipline in every area of our lives. We are to be disciplined not only in diet but also in how we use our time and in all our activities.
The well-known disciplines of the Christian faith such as prayer, Word, giving, fasting, etc. are to be incorporated into our lives faithfully. Some of these things we may have been a little sloppy about are to be adhered to with all diligence.
Life is changing rapidly. We are not going to have all the things we are used to having. If we are disciplined, we can handle going without much more easily.
God has told us to simplify our lives. One of the major ways to do this is get rid of a lot of your stuff.
We moved from a large house with an attached two-car garage to a very small house with no garage in the hills with seven and a half acres of land.
We had to get rid of most of our furniture and our stuff. It was one of the most difficult things we have ever had to do. I would not want to go through that again, but it was worth it.
Now we wonder why we thought we needed all that stuff. Life is less complicated when you don’t have as much stuff to clean, maintain and store. There is more time for God and relationships.
Get Out of Debt
This is very important when one sees the financial problems facing our nation. I know a lot of people would certainly like to do this but don’t have the means to do so.
When we put God first, listen to and obey him, God can do amazing things. Sometimes it takes drastic action to follow God… and certainly sacrifice. Don’t buy anything else with credit if at all possible and start doing your best to get out of debt.
Before we moved to New York, my brother had a word for me. He said that God was going to open a door before us but we had to be debt free to go through this door. We took him seriously.
My husband sold all of his guns — he had several — and we put everything up for sale we could think of.
We got out of debt and then the call came asking us to take a small church in Rochester, NY. When we moved, our income went down and the cost of everything, especially gasoline, went up.
Because we had obeyed God and gotten out of debt, we were able to go through that door.
Pursue Holiness
Our standard of purity in the United States has fallen drastically over the last few decades. We must cleanse our hearts and minds of all the sin that has found its way into our lives.
The only way we know what sin is, is to spend time in the Word of God, find out what the words there actually mean and then apply them to our own life. The Holy Spirit will help us.
If we allow our society to dictate to us what sin is, we may think we are really pure when in actuality we are great sinners in the eyes of God. His blood covers our sins but we must repent and choose righteousness.
Television is one of the greatest purveyors of impurity and evil there ever has been in my estimation… well, we can add movies to that.
What America has produced in this genre that totally ignores the Ten Commandments has gone out all over the world, and much of the world thinks we are a Christian nation. What a terrible testimony.
We don’t pretend to be a Christian nation, but some parts of the world think of us that way. I once talked to a missionary who had just returned from a Muslim country where she had been ministering to some Christian women.
She told me of a conversation between a Christian man and a Muslim man:
The Christian man asked the Muslim man, “Why do Muslims pray in public?”
The Muslim replied, “We Muslims pray in public and have sex in secret. You Americans have sex in public and pray… do you pray?”
I’m concerned that this is the view much of the world has of Americans.
These are a few of the things God has told us to do. The main thing we can do is to begin to press into the kingdom of God.
My book, The Four Living Creatures, has much to say about this. I believe my book is saying things that no one else is saying. It has been my ministry to satanically ritually abused persons that has opened my eyes to spiritual realities that have been hidden and reserved for the end times.
This, combined with my daily deep study of the Bible, has resulted in uncovering end time secrets that God is going to further reveal to enable his faithful ones to enter into a supernatural realm of the kingdom not known before this time.
When all hell breaks out in America, and it certainly will, there will be no place to go. The only place we can go is into the kingdom of God.
There is a way into the kingdom that has not been available to humanity since the fall. We are living in the end times… the end of all of life as we have known it. Fear and downright panic are going to grip the hearts of almost everyone in this nation and even the whole world.
Only a close relationship with Jesus and a wholehearted pursuit of him and his righteousness will keep us through this difficult time.

Patricia B. Clark
It was prophesied to Patricia and her husband Stoner in 1972 that God was preparing them for specific ministries in the end times. After many years of pastoring churches their ministries have crystallized into specific areas germane to the end times. They travel and present seminars for churches and church leaders on the following topics: becoming the church Jesus is coming for, how to minister for SRA, Revelation seen inwardly and allegorically, living supernaturally in the end times and other topics.

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