Monday, October 7, 2019

INVESTING IN CRAZY DREAMS - So what if your dream seems crazy? - God isn’t just the God of the present… He’s also the God of eternity! His vision and perception of things are not limited by time. Don’t let yourself be overcome by fear… pray and take a step forward! This dream that God has placed inside of you is perhaps like an “ark” that will make it possible for many to be saved. Perhaps it’s the means that God will use tomorrow to rescue souls! Don’t doubt any longer… firmly grasp the Lord’s hand and invest in your dream to make it a reality!

Investing In Crazy Dreams
So what if your dream seems crazy?

Has God given you a dream that seems completely crazy in the world’s eyes? A dream that appears out of reach? My advice is this… trust Him and don’t panic!
In the Old Testament, God spoke to a man named Noah and asked him to build an ark, a gigantic boat, and put two of each animal species inside.
His reason? A several week-long flood was going to strike the Earth…
Read Noah’s reaction to this curious request…“So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.” (the Bible, Genesis 6:22, NLT) 
Noah put the divine order into action!
Maybe he had questions… the Bible doesn’t say. But the fact remains that he responded positively to the will of the Lord.
Humanly speaking, considering the context at that time, God’s request made no sense. But God isn’t just the God of the present… He’s also the God of eternity! His vision and perception of things are not limited by time.
When the Lord inspired me many years ago to create the TopChrétien website, it wasn’t anything that was common or normal at the time… but today, it has become a powerful tool of blessing, like “A Miracle Every Day”!
Don’t let yourself be overcome by fear… pray and take a step forward!
This dream that God has placed inside of you is perhaps like an “ark” that will make it possible for many to be saved.
Perhaps it’s the means that God will use tomorrow to rescue souls!
Don’t doubt any longer… firmly grasp the Lord’s hand and invest in your dream to make it a reality! is a global international network of more than 70 Christian organizations and ministries who are engaged in online evangelism and discipleship. We see the impact in the lives of people. Every few seconds someone in the world decides that he or she wants to know more about Jesus. has a huge dream, which we believe God gave us:
Imagine a world with every single person having free access to the Gospel, knowing God, growing in Jesus and sharing faith easily.
We believe this dream can become a reality. Worldwide, 3.6 billion people have access to the Internet in 2017. Projections show that over 5 billion people are expected to have Internet access in 2020. This growth will continue the following years. Just imagine that all these people can find and share the Gospel online.

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