Saturday, August 24, 2019

YOU ARE A KING AND A LORD - God has repeatedly called to our attention kingdom rule and dominion. He tells us that we are to live in a heavenly kingdom for eternity, complete with thrones, royal courts, a royal city, and the continual praising of the King. God tells us that we are currently living in a kingdom, but with a glorious twist: you and I are now kings and lords! Jesus Christ is the King that is above all kings, and the Lord that is above all lords. All lords and all kings are, and forever will be, in subjection to Jesus Christ. Who are the kings and lords over which Jesus is the King and Lord? The answer is you and I as born-again believers.

Your Vision: You are a King and a Lord
Craig Tanner

What kind of life does a king live? Think for a moment of the great monarchies throughout history and the prodigious opulence in which they lived.
Imagine a life filled with abundance, glory, splendor, riches, and more than enough provisions for you and your family.
Picture opening your royal court each day to men and women of great wisdom who advise and guide your every decision.
Envision having your security safeguarded by a mighty army, willing to wage aggressive warfare against any enemy who threatened your borders.
Most of us in the western world don’t really understand this kind of royalty because it’s not part of our culture.
But God has much to say about the order of dominion and rule in the universe.
The Bible frequently uses terminology associated with the “kingdom” form of government, giving numerous examples of kings and queens throughout early history.
During most of the Old Testament period, God’s people were living under some form of kingdom government.
So, it seems as though God has repeatedly called to our attention kingdom rule and dominion.
In fact, He tells us that we are to live in a heavenly kingdom for eternity, complete with thrones, royal courts, a royal city, and the continual praising of the King.
So, the history of God’s people is filled with kingdoms; and our eternity is to live in the eternal Kingdom.
But where does that leave us now? Well, this is the interesting part: God tells us that we are currently living in a kingdom, but with a glorious twist: you and I are now kings and lords!
1 Timothy 6:15
“. . . which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords,”
Revelation 19:16
“And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” (See also Revelation 17:14)
Jesus Christ is the King that is above all kings, and the Lord that is above all lords.
All lords and all kings are, and forever will be, in subjection to Jesus Christ.
However, Jesus is obviously not currently enforcing His authority over the kings and lords of the earth or things would be much different.
The leaders and kings of this earth are typically corrupt, soulish, and clearly not operating under the authority of Jesus.
So then, who are the kings and lords over which Jesus is the King and Lord? The answer is you and I as born-again believers.
If you’ve been baptized in the Holy Spirit, He now dwells inside of you establishing your body as His temple on earth.
But you are more than His temple; you are the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on earth. It exists nowhere else but inside of His believers.
As the expression of His Kingdom, you are the “king” and the “lord” over whom Jesus Christ is King and Lord.
You might be wondering, “How in the world can I be a king? What do I know about being a lord? “
When you have God living inside of you, you also have access to all of His wisdom, power, and authority.
So, your kingship and lordship is carried out through your willingness to be led by God.
When you submit to His ways, you are anointed with supernatural powers and abilities that you use to carry out the Kingdom mandate here on earth. This is an incredible arrangement!
Think of having the Creator of all things, His power, glory, holiness, wisdom, and love working through every cell and fiber of your existence.
What kind of life should you have as a king and a lord under the authority of the King and Lord?
Visualize your life filled with abundance, wholeness, joy, peace, and the glory of God.
Imagine more than enough provisions for you and your family.
Picture opening your royal court each day and receiving the wisdom of God to advise and guide your every decision.
Envision having your security safeguarded by God’s mighty army operating under your command and willing to wage aggressive warfare against any spiritual enemy who threatened any part of your life.
Imagine taking authority over storms and circumstances of life and having them obey you.
See yourself with the power of God operating through your hands as you lay touch the sick and stricken, and they are miraculously healed.
Foresee your financial situation turn from lack to abundance, with your storehouses overflowing.
Think about people being attracted to you and desiring to be around you, drawn by the incredible light of God radiating from your face.
Welcome to the Kingdom, you king and lord!

I’m Craig Tanner from Virginia in the U.S. This blog is about giving hope to every person who finds themselves in seemingly impossible situations. To unleash the flowing river of revelation of Jesus Christ into this world full of hurting, trapped, and bound up people. There is absolute freedom and deliverance in the revelation of the truth of Jesus Christ, manifest in His full authority and power. This cries out to be released to everyone who seeks to be free of the trials, tribulations, troubles and turmoil of this world. My goal is to introduce the full anointing of Jesus Christ to everyone who needs to see their lives turned from defeat and failure to joyous victorious living; from sickness and disease to total health and wholeness; from poverty and lack to abundance; from bondage to freedom.

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