The Windows Of Heaven Are Opening Over You
Morris Cerullo
“… whoever
sows generously will also reap generously.” II Corinthians 9:6; NIV
Ministry Letter
I have been under
such an incredible anointing during this time of prayer and fasting that God
directed me to undertake for you.
Beloved, I can
literally ... spiritually ... see there are AMAZING BREAKTHROUGHS ready to fall
upon your life at this moment!
God’s powerful
anointing is being released now through His prophet to break and destroy EVERY
yoke of financial lack and bondage off your life!
Receive this Word
from the Lord: This is God’s time to ... undo the heavy burdens ... (Isaiah
58:6) that have afflicted your finances!
It doesn’t matter
how large or how heavy your burden is … a SUPER-MIRACLE is going to be released
upon your finances in this season of prayer … BELIEVE for God’s superabundance
… the burden will come off your shoulders, the yoke will come off your neck,
and your financial burden will be destroyed by the anointing!
No longer do you have to
suffer under the heavy financial burden of financial debt ... lack, where you
do not have enough each month to meet your needs.
The Lord is going to get
involved in financial disputes that have created havoc in your business, your
family, and your personal life!
God has directed me
to personally target a SUPER-MIRACLE to meet your financial needs!
The Lord is ready to
bring you into an amazing season of SUPERABUNDANCE, OVERFLOW, and MIRACLE
MONEY, where there will be a FLOODTIDE OF GOD’S FINANCIAL BLESSINGS that are
MORE THAN ENOUGH to meet the bills and specific needs in your life!
as God’s servant, I am telling you ... “I SEE THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN OPENING
During these 21 days
of miracles, I believe that God has laid it on your heart to give generously.
Remember, sow
according to the measure of the harvest you want to receive … sow again and
Click below to sow your
very best miracle breakthrough offering!
Dr. Morris Cerullo is a world-renowned evangelist
and the president of Morris Cerullo World Evangelism, which was founded in
He has been traveling to the developing nations of the
world for over seven decades. He has ministered in 93 nations, in over 400
cities, on 7 continents, where he has ministered to millions. He has dedicated
his life to helping hurting people and currently travels more than 250,000
miles every year to minister healing and salvation to the world.
Dr. Morris Cerullo was raised in a Jewish Orthodox
orphanage in New Jersey until the age of 14 1/2 when he gave his life to
By 15 years old he was preaching three to four times per
week in local churches. At 17 years old, he received a scholarship and
graduated from the the New York Metropolitan Bible School in Suffern, New York.
He also holds two honorary doctorates from Florida Beacon College and Oral
Roberts University.
After eight years of ministry, he went on his first
overseas missions trip to Greece, and his international ministry was born.
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