Saturday, August 31, 2019

IN THE STORM - We expect to find Jesus in morning devotionals and meditations. We never expect to see him in a divorce or a foreclosure. We never expect to see him in a storm. But it’s in a storm that he does his finest work, for it is in storms that he has our keenest attention.Jesus replied to the disciples’ fear with an invitation worthy of inscription on every church cornerstone and residential archway, “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”

Image result for images In the Storm by Max Lucado
Image result for images In the Storm by Max LucadoIn the Storm
by Max Lucado

Image result for images In the Storm by Max LucadoAfter Jesus’ disciples fought a raging storm for nine cold hours, at about 4:00 AM the unspeakable happened.
They spotted someone coming on the water. “A ghost!” they said, crying out in terror. (Matthew 14:26 MSG). 
They didn’t expect Jesus to come to them this way.
Neither do we.
We expect him to come in the form of peaceful hymns on Easter Sundays or quiet retreats.
We expect to find Jesus in morning devotionals and meditations. 
We never expect to see him in a divorce or a foreclosure.
We never expect to see him in a storm.
But it’s in a storm that he does his finest work, for it is in storms that he has our keenest attention.
Jesus replied to the disciples’ fear with an invitation worthy of inscription on every church cornerstone and residential archway, “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” (Matthew 14:27).

Max Lucado is a preacher with a storyteller's gift — a pastor's heart and a poet's pen. Max's message is simple: God loves you; let him. Max serves the people of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. He preaches and writes to the hurting, the guilty, the lonely, the discouraged. L

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JOY THE HEARTBEAT OF HEAVEN - Joy is meant to be ours, and it’s a joy that stands defiant in the face of this broken world. In every situation, our hearts are to echo the heartbeat of our joyous God. If joy is a fruit of the Spirit (and it is), then we are meant to experience it and enjoy it, regardless of our circumstances. Joy is the heartbeat of Heaven, the very light that emanates from Jesus’ heart. This means as we grow closer in relationship with God, we’ll also grow in our joy.

Your Ticket to Joy
by Stasi Eldredge

In this crazy world we find ourselves living in, the prospect of experiencing joy often seems out of reach.
To have joy in the midst of sorrow can feel impossible when your never-ending newsfeed is packed with photos of happy, smiling people enjoying their date night or vacation.
But joy is meant to be ours, and it’s a joy that stands defiant in the face of this broken world.
In every situation, our hearts are to echo the heartbeat of our joyous God.
Circumstantial Happiness
Often, we confuse joy with happiness.
I’m happy when I wake up and realize it’s not Monday, but Saturday – I have a day off!
I’m happy when someone brings me a cup of coffee.
I’m happy when I get a birthday card.
In contrast, I’m sad when a vacation is over. I’m sad when I mishandle the heart of a friend. I’m sad when no one remembers my birthday.
Don’t get me wrong. I love being happy. But happiness is unpredictable.
It feels vulnerable because it’s tied to my circumstances, which are constantly changing.
Do you know what I mean? One day you’re up, but the next day you’re down.
Joy Rooted in God’s Presence
True joy is firmer, richer, and less vulnerable than happiness.
I’m happy when my family goes out for ice cream, but it would seem a little overblown to say I’m filled with joy because of it.
But I was joyful at all three of my sons’ weddings.
I also was filled with joy over the birth of our granddaughters.
And joy flooded my heart when a dear friend was cleared of cancer.
I don’t think it was mere happiness, for my joy felt rooted in the very presence of God.
Joy is not happiness on steroids. It is something entirely different, made up of its own unique substance.
Joy is connected to God and reserved for those who are tapping into His reservoir, who are connected to His life.
Joy is rooted in God and His Kingdom, in the surety of His goodness and His love for us.
It is immovable. Unshakeable.
It is available at all times, day and night, because God and His Kingdom are always available to us.
The Heartbeat of Heaven
I’m ready to get off the roller coaster of happiness and have my heart grounded in the higher place of joy. I bet you are too.
Who among us doesn’t want more joy in their life?
In their work? In their marriage? In their relationships? With their children? In their quiet moments alone?
If joy is a fruit of the Spirit (and it is), then we are meant to experience it and enjoy it, regardless of our circumstances.
I’m convinced that joy is the heartbeat of Heaven, the very light that emanates from Jesus’ heart.
This means as we grow closer in relationship with God, we’ll also grow in our joy.
We’ll see that He’s not spending time anxiously wringing His hands, as we are sometimes prone to do.
Our Father’s joy is never up for grabs. Rather, His joy is unchangeable, just as He Himself is. It’s an essential part of His very person.
So, I want to be rooted and grounded in joy. That’s what I believe God is calling you to experience as well.
Will you give yourself permission to enter into His joy today?

Stasi Eldredge founded Ransomed Heart Ministries along with her husband John. Learn more at

BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY - Kelly Willard - Bob Fitts - Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Who was and is and is to come Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Who reigns forever more Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Who was and is and is to come Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Who reigns forever more Father in heaven how we love you We lift Your name in all the earth May Your kingdom be established in our praises, As Your people declare Your mighty works! Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Who was and is and is to come Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Who reigns forever more Father in heaven how we love You We lift Your name in all the earth May Your kingdom be established in our praises, As Your people declare Your mighty works! Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Oh, blessed be the Lord Who was and is and is to come Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Blessed be Blessed be Blessed be the Lord, God almighty Who reigns forever more

Image result for blessed by the lord god almighty lyricsBlessed be the Lord God Almighty
Kelly Willard
Writer and composer  :  Bob Fitts
Album  :  World’s Best Praise and Worship   MaranathaJadHarveyQuintos   ForeverWorshipTheIslandSing

Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who was and is and is to come
Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who reigns forever more

Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who was and is and is to come
Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who reigns forever more

Father in heaven how we love you
We lift Your name in all the earth
May Your kingdom be established in our praises,
As Your people declare Your mighty works!

Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who was and is and is to come
Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who reigns forever more

Father in heaven how we love You
We lift Your name in all the earth
May Your kingdom be established in our praises,
As Your people declare Your mighty works!

Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Oh, blessed be the Lord
Who was and is and is to come
Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Blessed be
Blessed be

Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who reigns forever more

Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who was and is and is to come
Blessed be the Lord, God almighty
Who reigns forever more

Who reigns forever more
Who reigns forever more
Who reigns forever more
Blessed be the Lord
Blessed be the Lord
Blessed be the Lord
The Lord, God Almighty

Kelly Willard (born on August 18, 1956) is a contemporary Christian musician best known for her praise and worship recordings. She was featured as a soloist on projects from Integrity, Vineyard Music, and Maranatha! Music. In addition, she sang duets and background vocals with such artists as Dion DiMucci, Lenny LeBlanc, Amy Grant, Ricky Skaggs, Paul Overstreet, Twila Paris, Steve Green, Fernando Ortega, Keith Green, Buddy Greene, Jim Cole and many others. Kelly has also recorded nine solo projects, currently offered through her website. Willard was born in Winter Haven, Florida. She began playing the piano at the age of five and composing her own songs at the age of thirteen. She accompanied the church choir, playing and singing in nursing homes, and traveling with a part-time gospel group on weekends. At the age of sixteen Willard moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where she accompanied The Jake Hess Sound on piano. She later moved to Panorama City, California, where she joined the popular CCM group The Archers, and then on to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where she joined the group Seth. She credits her vocal development to Jonathan David Brown and Harlan Rogers. Willard married at eighteen, joined Harlan Rogers & Friends, and traveled the mid-west until 1977, when she moved to Southern California to be a part of the then current flow of 'Jesus Music' artists who were ministering and recording there. She played keyboards and sang background vocals on projects for artists including Bob Bennett and Roby Duke before Maranatha! Music approached her in 1978 to record her own solo project. After the birth of her children, she took periodic sabbaticals, homeschooling through the 1980s, 1990s, and later taking care of her Mother, who was suffering with Alzheimer's. In her own words 2004 was, "the worst year of my life." Both parents died, her marriage of 29 years came to an end, and her 18-year-old daughter, Haylie, who was struggling with severe depression, took her own life. Kelly moved to Jacksonville, Florida, and became part of a church support community there. Her latest album, recorded in 2000, titled Paga, features then 18-year-old son Bryan on bass guitar, and 15-year-old Haylie in a duet on the song "Beautiful Jesus". Kelly explains, "The Old Testament priests who would take incense into The Holy of Holies and burn it unto The Lord. This is called Paga in Hebrew, and it means "to make intercession". When Jesus became our sacrifice ... He made the way for our prayers, praises, worship and intercession to become like that incense unto the Lord, a sweet-smelling savor ... Even with all that I have been through, nothing has changed my relationship with The Lord or the call that He placed on my life at a young age. If anything, I have gained more wisdom through the things (even mistakes) that I have suffered, and am more dependent on Him than ever before. I can testify of God's ultimate faithfulness to His children, and His unwavering commitment to conform us into the likeness of His dear Son, Jesus Christ. And, I plan to keep on singing about it until the very end." Kelly is currently living in Florence, Alabama, and is writing and recording a new "duo" project with long-time friend, Rene Stamps.
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STEPS TO VICTORY IN CHRIST - Life can be tough. Even as Christians, we’ll face many challenges – including some new ones we didn’t have to deal with as unbelievers. Before we were saved, we were no threat to the devil. But when we accepted Jesus into our heart, something changed. We took up a new residence in the spiritual battlefield and immediately became an enemy of Satan. If your struggles seem overwhelming today quit relying on your own strength. Realize that the only way to experience lasting victory is through the power of the Holy Spirit and reliance upon what Jesus accomplished for you on the cross.

Victory in Christ
5 Steps to Victory in Christ
by Ben Cerullo

Many believers become disappointed when things don’t go their way.
They fall prey to the common misconception that all their problems and struggles will vanish once they start a relationship with Jesus.
However, let’s be honest: Life can be tough.
Even as Christians, we’ll face many challenges – including some new ones we didn’t have to deal with as unbelievers.
You see, before we were saved, we were no threat to the devil. But when we accepted Jesus into our heart, something changed.
We took up a new residence in the spiritual battlefield and immediately became an enemy of Satan.
If your struggles seem overwhelming today, these five steps will help you to find a place of victory in the Lord:
1.    Quit relying on your own strength. Realize that the only way to experience lasting victory is through the power of the Holy Spirit and reliance upon what Jesus accomplished for you on the cross.
2.    Cry out to God, and repent of any known sins. Ask God to forgive you and deliver you. Turn away from your chains, sin, and bondage, and run into the arms of your loving Father, Savior, and Deliverer.
3.    Be accountable. Surround yourself with solid believers to lean on for prayer and support to help you during times of temptation or struggle.
4.    Passionately pursue God. Commit yourself to spending daily time with Jesus and get to know Him intimately. Press into His Word and His presence until He’s your everything.
5.    Fight the good fight. The Bible says there’s a fierce spiritual battle for your soul (Ephesians 6:10-18). You must stand in the victory Jesus has already won for you. Defend it, stand on it, and walk in it!

Ben Cerullo has been named by Charisma Magazine as one of the “30 Emerging Voices” who will lead the church in the next decade. His ministry carries a powerful anointing and prophetic message. Traveling extensively, both domestically and internationally, he has spoken in more than 27 nations. God continues to use him to reach people with the Gospel, confirming His Word with signs following.

REFINER’S FIRE AND LAUNDERER’S SOAP - When the Lord returns, no one will be able to stand before Him. The Lord’s holiness and judgment will be as a refiner’s blazing fire and as a fuller’s bleaching agent. First, the Messiah will be like a refiner’s fire, an allusion to the process of purifying metal. A refiner uses a fire to heat metal to a molten state; then he skims off the dross that floats to the top. The refiner’s fire is, of course, maintained at an extremely high temperature, and such a high degree of heat is the prophet’s picture of the testing people will face on Judgment Day. Upon Christ’s return, the intense flame of God’s judgment will purify the earth, removing the dross of sin. Second, the Messiah will be like a launderer’s soap. This type of soap was caustic and quite effective in producing bright white clothing. When Christ returns, He will cleanse the world of all impurity. Every stain of sin will be scrubbed away.

Refiner’s Fire And Launderer’s Soap
What is the significance of the refiner’s fire and launderer’s soap in Malachi 3:2?

Malachi 3:2, where the phrase refiner’s fire is used, has been a popular verse in Western society for centuries due to its use in Handel’s famous oratorio Messiah
The verse reads, “But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap.”
Let’s take a look at the prophet’s similes.
Malachi says that, when the Lord returns, no one will be able to stand before Him. The Lord’s holiness and judgment will be as a refiner’s blazing fire and as a fuller’s bleaching agent.
The idea of “standing” before the Lord is associated with “withstanding” or “standing up to;” sinful human flesh will not have the strength, the right, or the desire to resist the Lord in His glory (cf. Psalm 76:7Revelation 6:17).
The two similes help clarify why no one will be able to stand in the Day of the Lord.
First, Malachi 3:2 says the Messiah will be like a refiner’s fire, an allusion to the process of purifying metal.
A refiner uses a fire to heat metal to a molten state; then he skims off the dross that floats to the top.
The refiner’s fire is, of course, maintained at an extremely high temperature, and such a high degree of heat is the prophet’s picture of the testing people will face on Judgment Day.
All judgment has been entrusted to the Son (John 5:22).
Upon Christ’s return, the intense flame of God’s judgment will purify the earth, removing the dross of sin.
Second, the Messiah will be like a launderer’s soap.
This type of soap was caustic and quite effective in producing bright white clothing. The HCSB translates it as “cleansing lye.”
When Christ returns, He will cleanse the world of all impurity. Every stain of sin will be scrubbed away.
The account of Jesus’ transfiguration contains a reference to His purity, using language similar to Malachi’s: “He was transfigured before them. His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them” (Mark 9:2–3).
The goal of Jesus will be to judge wickedness and purify His people: “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the LORD will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness” (Malachi 3:3).
Like the refiner’s fire, He will burn away the impurities of the priests.
Like launderer’s soap, He will wash away their uncleanness (Deuteronomy 4:29Isaiah 1:25Jeremiah 6:29–30Ezekiel 22:17–22Zechariah 3:5).
The priests in the millennial kingdom will then be able to offer sacrifices from a pure heart.
The sacrifices in those days will be similar to those when the temple was first built: “The offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the LORD, as in days gone by, as in former years” (Malachi 3:4).
The refiner’s fire and launderer’s soap indicate the holiness and burning judgment of the Messiah when He returns to reign in Jerusalem at His second coming.
His purifying brightness and absolute holiness will affect those who serve Him, creating a cleansed temple and purified priesthood.
“See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him” (Isaiah 40:10).

Bible Questions Answered
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Image result for images Refiner’s Fire And Launderer’s SoapImage result for images Refiner’s Fire And Launderer’s Soap