Monday, July 1, 2019

YOU DON’T HAVE TO BURN OUT - Long periods of overexertion and stress can cause constant fatigue, headaches, sleeplessness, gastrointestinal problems, tenseness, a feeling of being tied in knots, and an inability to relax. Some other signals of “burnout” are crying, being easily angered, negativity, irritability, depression, cynicism (scornful, mocking of the virtues of others), and bitterness toward others’ blessings and even their good health. “Burnout” can cause us to not exercise self-control, and when this happens, we will no longer produce good fruit in our daily lives. “Burnout” steals our joy, making peace impossible to find. When our bodies are not at peace, everything seems to be in turmoil. God established the law of resting on the Sabbath to prevent “burnout” in our lives. The law of the Sabbath simply says we can work six days, and rest one day. We need to rest and worship and play.

Image result for images You Don’t Have to Burn Out
Image result for images You Don’t Have to Burn OutYou Don’t Have to Burn Out
Joyce Meyer

“I will say to the LORD, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” — Psalm 91:2

Are you excessively tired all the time, and even after sleeping, do you wake up feeling tired all over again?
You may be experiencing some of the symptoms of exhaustion, or what is commonly called “burnout.”
Long periods of overexertion and stress can cause constant fatigue, headaches, sleeplessness, gastrointestinal problems, tenseness, a feeling of being tied in knots, and an inability to relax.
Some other signals of “burnout” are crying, being easily angered, negativity, irritability, depression, cynicism (scornful, mocking of the virtues of others), and bitterness toward others’ blessings and even their good health.
“Burnout” can cause us to not exercise self-control, and when this happens, we will no longer produce good fruit in our daily lives.
“Burnout” steals our joy, making peace impossible to find. When our bodies are not at peace, everything seems to be in turmoil.
God established the law of resting on the Sabbath to prevent “burnout” in our lives.
The law of the Sabbath simply says we can work six days, and rest one day. We need to rest and worship and play.
Even God rested after six days of work. He, of course, never gets tired, but gave us this example so we would follow the pattern.
In Exodus 23:10–12, we find that even the land had to rest after six years, and the Israelites were not to plant in it the seventh year.
During this rest, everything recovered and prepared for future production.
Today in America, almost every business is open seven days a week. Some of them are even open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
When we make ourselves available at all times, we are in danger of “burnout.”
People today are quick to argue that they cannot afford to take a day off, but I say they cannot afford not to.
Some people feel guilty anytime they try to rest, but that guilty feeling is not from God.
God wants us to live balanced lives, and if we don’t, we open a door for Satan to bring some kind of destruction (see 1 Peter 5:8).
Trust God that your resting time is just as valuable as your working time.
Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for the examples You have given us in Your Word about rest.
I ask for Your help to live a truly balanced life and do whatever it takes to have the proper time to relax and recharge.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Dave and Joyce Meyer, who’ve been in ministry for more than 40 years, founded Joyce Meyer Ministries in 1987 as a Christian, non-profit organization that is financially supported by the contributions of its friends and partners.
They have been married for 50 years, have four grown children that all play vital roles in various areas of the ministry and reside in the St. Louis area. As a family, and as a ministry, they are committed to the simple yet powerful message of sharing Christ and loving people.

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