Saturday, July 27, 2019

GOOD SUCCESS IS IN YOUR MOUTH - The word “meditate” in English means to ponder. But in Hebrew, it is the word hagah, which means to utter or mutter under your breath. When you meditate on God’s Word, you speak forth or confess His Word instead of just giving it mental assent. Hagah God’s Word by confessing verses in the areas that you are believing God for breakthroughs. The Bible says that you will make your way prosperous when you hagah God’s Word.

Image result for images GOOD SUCCESS IS IN YOUR MOUTH joshua
Joseph Prince

Joshua 1:8“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night…For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

I had always wondered why the Torah (the first five books of Moses) is read out loud by the Jews.
Then, a Jewish Christian told me that for generations, they read God’s Word out loud because of Joshua 1:8 — “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night.”
The word “meditate” in English means to ponder.
But in Hebrew, it is the word hagah, which means to utter or mutter under your breath.
In other words, when you meditate on God’s Word, you speak forth or confess His Word instead of just giving it mental assent.
My friend, hagah God’s Word by confessing verses in the areas that you are believing God for breakthroughs.
When I was working in sales, I confessed verses like, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty” (Proverbs 3:9–10).
In the first year, I became the top salesman in my company! My way was made prosperous and I enjoyed good success.
“Pastor Prince, I am waiting for God to make my way prosperous.”
No, the Bible says that you will make your way prosperous when you hagah God’s Word.
So, speak forth verses in the areas which you want to see breakthroughs and you will have good success.
Some people have success that destroys them — you don’t see them in church anymore and their family members don’t get to see them either.
That is bad success. But when you hagah God’s Word, you will have good success that does not destroy you.
Now, confessing God’s Word does not move God to do things for you. It is not a formula.
God had already moved when He gave up Jesus to die for you.
However, when you confess His Word, it moves you from a position of doubt to faith.
It moves your heart from a position of “Is it true?” to “I believe it!”
When that happens, “you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success!”

Joseph Prince (born 15 May 1963, Singapore) is the senior pastor of New Creation Church in Singapore, one of Asia's biggest churches. He was one of the church's founders in 1983.
Joseph Prince, the son of a Sikh priest of Indian origin and a Chinese mother, spent his primary school years in Perak, Malaysia.
Prince changed his birth name to Joseph Prince during his previous occupation as an IT consultant.
Prince has been invited to preach at churches in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa and the United States. Notably, he was invited to preach at the Grace & Favour Seminar at Hillsong Church Sydney, and Hillsong London in 2006. In 2007 and 2008, he was invited to speak at the Hillsong Conferences in Sydney and London. In 2009, he was invited to speak, alongside Joel Osteen from Lakewood Church, at the 2 Days of Hope Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Prince's TV program Destined to Reign is broadcast in more than 150 countries. His broadcast program is also streamed online through Internet and podcasts.

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Image result for images GOOD SUCCESS IS IN YOUR MOUTH bibleImage result for images GOOD SUCCESS IS IN YOUR MOUTH joshuaImage result for images GOOD SUCCESS IS IN YOUR MOUTH joshua
Image result for images GOOD SUCCESS IS IN YOUR MOUTH joshuaImage result for images GOOD SUCCESS IS IN YOUR MOUTH joshua

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